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Respiration At Rest Versus Exercising

Essay Instructions:

Respiration at Rest versus Exercising

This is a Hands-On Labs experiment that explores the differences in respiration at rest and during exercise. Before you start, watch the following videos to become more familiar with the lungs. The first video is narrated using basic terminology, so it is easier for the viewer to understand. The second video is more extensive, showing more structures of the lungs, including the diaphragm. This video also shows the placement of the liver and reviews the structures of the heart.

Video 1: What's inside the lungs? Lung Dissection At-Bristol Science Centre (4:30)

Video 2: Heart & Lung Dissection (11:52)


Follow the procedures detailed in the Respiratory Physiology experiment from Hands-On labs. During the lab, you will breathe into a balloon while you are resting to record how much air is in a single exhalation at rest. You will then exercise for a bit and assess how much air you exhale when you are active. Be sure to follow the instructions in the lab to complete the experiment. Record your data and calculate your tidal volume, minute ventilation, forced vital capacity, and total lung volume. When you are done, write a report or create a presentation. You do not need to submit the Lab Report Assistant for grading.

Create a Report

Use the following outline to describe the data from your lab in a report. Label each portion of the lab as described below.

Introduction: Start with a broad discussion of the lungs, and then narrow your focus to the question(s) that you are trying to answer. Include any observations or background information about the lungs that may pertain to the lab. Conclude the introduction with a hypothesis—a statement that reflects what you believe the outcome of this lab will be. What are you comparing and what do you expect will happen?

Material List: Identify all items that you used and the exact quantities, as applicable. This may be a very short section.

Methods: Describe how you conducted the experiment, including any safety precautions you took while performing the lab. Be sure to include any changes that you made to the original instructions. Did you use different exercises? This should be a short, paraphrased version of the methods from the lab. Do not copy from the lab; Turnitin will highlight it as plagiarism.

Results/Data: Create a table or a figure that reflects/compares the results of your experiment.

Discussion: Review your results and determine if your experiment supports or refutes your hypothesis. Explain why. Then expand your discussion to address why and how your body creates the changes you observed as you increased your level of activity. Be specific and give details. What impact would changes to your lifestyle, such as increasing or decreasing your regular level of activity, have on the values you calculated?

Conclusion: End with a section describing something that intrigued you about the lab; identify errors that may have impacted your results, or note errors in the lab itself; and provide recommendations for future labs.


If you are doing the report, it should be 4-5 pages long, not including the title page.

Reference at least two journal articles.

Include a title page, or title slide for the presentation, and references at the end.

Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Respiration at Rest vs. Exercising Your Name Your Institution of Affiliation April 30, 2018 Introduction: The respiratory system’s ability to provide oxygen and release carbon from the external environment (external respiration) would not be possible without its structures. For the most part, both the parts of the upper and lower respiratory tracts allows for the efficient flow of air from and diffusion in certain parts, under what is known as the Fick’s Law. One of the key structures for external respiration is the alveoli, which are “mall air spaces in the lungs where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen enters it” CITATION Enc13 \l 1033 (Encyclopædia Britannica, 2013). This is because the membrane that which the gas would have to go through is simple composed of a sandwich of flat squamous cells and endothelium of the alveoli and the capillaries, respectively. However, while this process seems straightforward, there are a lot of factors that could affect the ability of gas to diffuse between the walls of the alveoli such as lung volume, temperature, pH, and concentration (partial pressure) CITATION Stund \l 1033 (Study.com, n.d.). Simply said, while temperature could affect the affinity of the gas towards hemoglobin, partial pressure makes it move from a higher to lower concentrations. Armed with this knowledge, the author of this article would try to examine the conditions that could affect the ability of the respiratory system to absorb and release gasses. This would be done by measuring either measures of respiration such as the tidal volume, minute ventilation, forced vital capacity, and residual volume at different phases of strenuous work. And going back to the understanding of Fick’s Law and the structure of the respiratory system, she believes that gas exchange would dramatically increase as one engages in strenuous work. Material List: In order to measure the amount of respiratory exchange and have a better grasp of the structures of the respiratory system, the following materials are needed: Items Description Quantity Tape measure 1 Clean sheet of Paper 1 Pen 1 Timer 1 Scale 1 Balloons, 7” 2 Tape 1 Results and Procedures: The first thing that the researcher ensured was that before the whole exercise no strenuous activity is undertaken. This is to be able to provide a baseline data for the experiment. The experiment started by measuring the Tidal volume of the participant, or the volume of respiration without any use of additional efforts to do so. In order to do this, however, an indirect way of measuring was conducted by performing the following procedures. The first one is measuring the breathing rate for about 30 seconds while at rest. In this phase of the experiment each normal breath is considered as one and the number of the breaths within the aforementioned time was recorded thrice in a table indicating “Trial no. = Number of breaths”, whereas the average of the three was taken to represent her Tidal Volume. Following this the balloons were then taken and blown without exerting any efforts either. Even before this phase, she was already briefed that the kind of breathing that she did with the first part should also be the same for this one. Following from this, a force in the elongated side of the balloon was then applied in order to make sure that it is equal from all sides just like a sphere. This makes it possible to just measure the widest part of one side of the balloon. This phase was also repeated thrice in order to get the average circumference of the balloon. After this a series of equations to compute for the radius and the volume of the balloon was employed, which are those indicated below: Formula 1: Average radius at rest = Circumference/ 2pi Formula 2: Average Volume at rest = 4pi(r)3/3 Formula 3: Minute Ventilation (VE) at Rest (L/min) = Tidal Volume x Breathing rate Following from this, the participant’s Forced Vital Capacity is then measured by taking his surface area. This was done through assumption by multiplying her height with w...
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