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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Disorder In The General Population: Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes

Essay Instructions:

This assignment investigates a genetic trait or disease or other approved genetics topic. Please read the attached information for details about the research and paper requirements. Please take a look at the rubric.

STEP ONE: Name of your genetic disorder, disease, or trait of interest.
STEP TWO: Answer the following ten questions.

In your own words, summarize how this disease/disorder is described in the Genetics Home Reference (http://ghr(dot)nlm(dot)nih(dot)gov/)?

Is the disease/disorder inherited?

How is it inherited – autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, x-linked

What are the risks of having the disease/disorder?

What is the occurrence of the disease/disorder in the general population?

Is it more common in certain populations?

How does the disease develop?

Define single gene disorders, multifactorial diseases, diseases of the mitochondrial DNA.

Name one of the genes involved and provide a description.

What is the cytogenetic location?

What protein does the gene encode?

What is the treatment for the disease/disorder?

STEP THREE. Discuss the disease/disorder with your family or a friend.

STEP FOUR. Outline first, then write a 3-PAGE paper of the disease and about disease and the discussion. IN ADDITION TO THE 3-PAGES OF WRITING Include a picture or graphic.


STANDARDS: Clarity Accuracy Precision Relevance Depth Breadth Logic


CLARITY + (above average) ✓ (average) − (below average)

ACCURACY + (above average) ✓ (average) − (below average)

PRECISION +(above average) ✓ (average) − (below average)

RELEVANCE + (above average) ✓ (average) − (below average)

DEPTH + (above average) ✓ (average) − (below average)

BREADTH + (above average) ✓ (average) − (below average)

LOGIC + (above average) ✓ (average) − (below average)

FTO gene



lipo suction


Gastric bypass


Diseases associated with obesity


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Type 2 diabetes
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Type 2 diabetes
This paper provides information regarding diabetes as a genetic disorder. Particularly, type 2 diabetes, which affects production and utility of insulin in the body. It introduces the disease with the help of a summarized description after which it provides information on inheritance patterns and risk factors. The paper then provides the prevalence for type 2 diabetes across different geographic and ethnic groups in America. Consequently, it explains how type 2 diabetes develops and how one of the numerous genes involved contributes accordingly. It also gives the cytogenetic location of this particular gene as well as the protein where it encodes. The last part of the paper provides the possible treatments and management for this particular type of diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes is a disorder which results when the body’s production and usage of insulin doesn’t occur as it should. Individuals suffering from this disorder have insulin resistance whereby their body cells fail to effectively use insulin. Given that insulin regulates blood sugar levels (specifically glucose), its deficiency causes the body to have inadequate blood sugar levels. Eventually, persons with type 2 diabetes end up with blood sugar levels that are abnormally high. This disorder is more prevalent in middle aged and older people as well as obese or overweight individuals. It is characterized by symptoms such as frequent urination, fatigue, weight loss, blurred vision, and excessive thirst. These symptoms develop over the years and if not controlled, the victim risks having chronic health issues such as heart disease and nerve damage.
Although the inheritance pattern of type 2 diabetes is unclear, there is evidence that most patients have a close family member who is suffering from the same disorder. As the number of family members suffering from type 2 diabetes increases, the risk of developing the disorder also increases. This is likely to be a result of genetics. Type 2 diabetes is neither recessive nor dominant. Accordingly, it is inherited through an x-linked system.
The risks associated with type 2 diabetes include, but are not limited to: having excess weight or being obese and unhealthy lifestyle habits (Fox et al., 2015). The latter includes activities such as smoking, lack of exercise, poor eating habits and stress. Other risk factors of the same are: gestational diabetes, prediabetes and insulin resistance.
This disorder accounts for about 93% of all diabetic cases. As of 2015, reports (in the U.S) indicate that over 23 million persons were diagnosed with the same whereas about 7 million others remained undiagnosed. Moreover, the prevalence of this disorder is increasing globally. This could be attributed to factors includ...
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