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Michigan State University Bean Breeding Genetic Program

Essay Instructions:

I will apply BIOTECHNOLOGY & PHARMACEUTICAL MANAGEMENT as my graduate major.

Introduction for me:

Xuyang Sha


Bachelor: Practaculture Science

Internship experience:

1. Name of the research project: Michigan State University Bean Breeding Genetic Program

1) Director: James D. Kelly

2) Position: student intern

3) Procedure:

The best dry been research group in America.

The research focus on the genetics and gene function analysis of dry bean.

Doing crossbreeding in greenhouse. Analyzing and screening the dry bean in different part in Michigan.

4) Responsible:

My responsible was field management which include harvest, production, and evaluation after the whole processing.

This is a mature project. For the experimental techniques, we have specific protocol

5) What is the result of the research?

Our group produce a book to introduce the dry bean every year. This book analyze the production and quality of dry bean.

6) Through this experience, what do you gain and what skills do you improve? How will the research contribute to your subsequent studies and professional goals?

I took part in all the processes which are from growing dry bean to producing canned beans in small scale.

I found that management is a flexible process. We need to design all the processes, and then solve all the problems when any accidents happened. Meanwhile, we need to make sure all the work can follow the procedure, and sometimes we also should break up the protocol to drive innovation.

2. Lab management: Daily work in lab

In the procurement and equipment maintenance process, I am in excellent quality, excellent performance and the same quality under the lowest price as the standard, because did not take into account the laboratory personnel increased in recent years, nor did they spend enough energy to screen performance just in line with demand and price The lowest cost of products and services led to an overall increase in spending, although average per-capita spending in the laboratory dropped. Due to the shortage of experimental funds and personnel, further cost control is not a Ph.D. student can do in his spare time, and we finally chose to employ a full-time laboratory assistant to solve the problem. Despite the decline in spending, the unpredictability of purchasing and maintaining staff due to lack of understanding of the actual lab work by dedicated laboratory assistants, and the time and effort each individual needs to prepare and communicate to assess whether equipment and consumables are available meets requirements. This led me to find that a good manager must necessarily understand both technology and management, and it is inevitable that professional staff are required to complete the management.

3. Name of internship experience: Microsoft in China, Campus Ambassador

We were screened through the resume, participated in the online test, and then through the Microsoft product and marketing department interview after entering the project and the distribution of positions.

Throughout the project, apart from carrying out routine publicity and investigation, we can apply for additional funding and material support for campus road shows. I, as the head of the school, wrote an application for me to preside over it. In the third month of the project, I decided that we could apply for a campus roadshow. So I arranged several small groups in the group to take charge of venues and activity contents design according to their strengths. Then I concluded Written application report, drawing on others to apply for the completion of the report submitted to their own modifications, the final submission a week to be approved. I did not know at the conclusion of the project that my report was the only one that was submitted after the submission without a communication modification and was also reviewed by the marketing company and the Microsoft marketing department and I myself was not like any other group That spend a lot of time, stay up all night to write activities application. I found that starting a project begins with down-to-earth understanding of what can be done in your environment, what each individual in your team can accomplish, then sets the right goals, draws your own conclusions and draws on the successes of others Experience, adjust yourself appropriately.

In the middle of the project training session, each of our school designed a planning activities. Then at the training session, my planning was still rated as excellent. The selected excellent planning had an evening time, looking for partners and improving the plan, and then came to the lecture for introduction the next day. At the time of introduction, the first technical issue led us to abandon the wireless demo device with the image nesting function used the day before. The content of the display was reduced by half and also prevented me from completing the conclusion with the demonstration device. I After forgetting the first two sentences, I forgot my words. This made me realize with my personal experience that all plans should have a backup plan and should not ignore the backup because of time constraints.


First paragraph: introduce why I prefer BIOTECHNOLOGY & PHARMACEUTICAL MANAGEMENT as my graduate major.


1. How do you understand the major you are going to apply?

(1) Subjects dealing with people are completely different from those of plants. In the study of natural sciences, the acceptance of expectations by natural scientists is not the same as the result, but the law eventually found must be reproducible. However, what is studied in management science can not be repeated, and many variables can only be observed and can not be controlled. This requires us to have a better ability to predict, before the first implementation of a comprehensive collection of information.

(2) In management, the process of controlling variables is primarily dealing with people, and requires a different set of options than biology and physics.

(3) In the process of management, we provide the same conditions and get different feedback in different situations. This requires managers to adjust their methods to achieve the expectations of their own feedback, which is the content of management.

(4) But both disciplines are investigating variables and getting the law. In the process of studying plants, I found that variables in social sciences would be more interesting and the result will be more varied.

2. What led you to choose the area(s) of academic interest that you are you going to apply? Is your interest in the program affected by your family or any other factors?

(1) My mother: doctor to the hospital manager, the doctor - the superb technical department director - the staff and the budget and the manager of the operation mode - the professional manager does not necessarily have excellent skills, but needs to know all the skills of all staff and to learn by themselves A lot of management science courses and knowledge, and that can not be used to solve technical problems to manage people. Today's management tends to be specialized, and it is hard to learn enough management knowledge by self-study. So she thinks I have mastered certain skills, we must go to learn management-related knowledge, in order to maximize their own value.

(2) Personal experience: During my internship in a foreign laboratory, I observed a lot of management methods in large laboratories / experimental farms, which made it possible for me to participate in the daily management of the laboratory during my PhD. But I still find that many scientists often do not know how to manage money and people when they start to work and start a lab. Some of them waste research time and some people because of inappropriate management methods make the team The inefficiency, the dissatisfaction of the staff, the inadvertent administration of the budget, and the failure to obtain the desired results have made me think that a manager must have appropriate management knowledge to match his job.)

Second Paragraph: Michigan State University Bean Breeding Genetic Program

Third Paragraph: Lab management: Daily work in lab

Fourth Paragraph: Microsoft in China internship

Fifth Paragraph: advantages, why I match this program.

(Materials: In academic research, in order to get the information we want, we need our meticulous patience, and keen observation of nature, I believe this is also a manager of the required quality. When managers need to make decisions, they first need to gather information that may affect the decision-making, and then they carefully analyze the information, infer the unknown and future parts based on the known parts, and finally select the appropriate time and Method, through their own behavior to make things toward their own expectations.

In practice, I found that whether we are managing a farm, a golf course, or managing a laboratory, we manage the deployment of people and equipment and the flow of cash under short-term and long-term goals. Grasp and think about these points determine whether you are a good manager.

At the same time, I feel great satisfaction and fulfillment when my own ideas come true through hard work. )

Essay Sample Content Preview:
NameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Personal Statement
There are many factors that made me to choose Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical management as my graduate major. Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical management is a subject that deals with people and it is different from the one that deals with the study of plants. My mother is one of the people who have played a big role in my choice of the course. My mother is a doctor at a hospital and when I visited her place of work I realized that most of the managers at the hospital did not have enough skills to handle the different issues at the hospital. Looking at how the work environment and the nature of the management roles that required special skills, I realized that the management of people is different from the other types of management. I realized that specialization in Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical management could be of relevance in such an environment. This was in tandem with the recommendations of my mother on the need to study managerial skills in the pharmaceutical management. Also, during my internship in a foreign laboratory I observed a lot of management methods in the large laboratories and experimental farms. I still found out that most of the scientists do not often know how they can manage money and people when they start to work and start a lab. Some of the issues that I found out during my internship include inefficiency, dissatisfaction of the staff, inadvertent administration of the budget, the failure to obtain the desired results and they have made me to think that a manger must have appropriate management knowledge to match the job. This further increased my desire for managerial skills in order to address such shortcomings due to poor management.
I worked at Michigan State University Bean Breeding Genetic Program which is the best dry bean research group in America as a student intern. Some of the major inefficiency I realized included that the management did not take into account the laboratory personnel who had increased in the recent years nor did they spend enough energy to screen performance so that it can be in line with the demand and price. The lowest cost of the products and services lead to an overall increase in the spending even though the average per-capital spending in the laboratory dropped. Due to the shortage of experimental funds and personnel we chose to employ a fulltime laboratory assistant to solve the problem. Despite the decline in spending, the unpredictability of the purchasing and maintaining staff due to the lack of understanding on the of the actual lab work by dedicated laboratory assistants, the time and effort each individual needs to prepare and communicate to assess whether the equipment and consumables meet the requ...
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