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Assignment 2: Describe Gene Technology and Gene Therapy

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 2: Gene Technology
Due Week 8 and worth 120 points
Gene technology carries with it social and ethical implications—many of which engender personal views and discussion.
Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: 
Genetically modified crop plants
Genetically modified microorganisms
Genetically modified animals
Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans
Gene therapy 
Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements:
Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying science behind the technology. Describe how exactly the technology works. Discuss the biological principles that underlie this technology.
Social and ethical implications. Without disclosing your personal view about this technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications. State the ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology. Discuss the benefits and risks. Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue. In the next section, you will give your opinion. 
Personal viewpoint. In the previous section, your goal was to be as objective as possible, to look at all sides of the issues. In this section, your goals are to give a personal opinion about the technology and provide a justification of that opinion. 
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment, in addition to the course text. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources. The body of the paper must have in-text citations that correspond to the references. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with proper use of in-text citations to credit your sources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Topic: Gene Therapy
Student’s name:
Advances in recombinant DNA technology in combination with gene cloning techniques have led great impact on research in the medical and agricultural field. Understanding the aspects and processes in molecular biology also opened ways for researchers to apply the knowledge of genes in cellular processes and other biotechnological applications (Patil et al, 2012.). Current techniques such as polymerase chain reaction, somatic cell hybridization, uses of nucleic probes, transgenic, gene editing, and chromosomal hybridization have cause an awesome revolution in the field of medicine especially in developing molecular diagnostics and therapy (Korf&Rehm, 2013). Other bioinformatics tools and applications are also very essential in processing of the biological data and storage.
From the biological perspective, genes are controls all the cellular processes and proper body function. However, presence of a defective gene consequently result into an abnormal gene expression that have a negative impact in the phenotype possibly in form of certain genetic disorders or body malfunctions. The idea of manipulating these genes by using the mentioned techniques and processes necessitated the technique called gene therapy.
Gene therapy by description refers to the replacement of defective genes with normal ones through targeted insertion in the genome by using homologous recombination technique. There are two strategies of achieving gene therapy, one is called targeted gene therapy where by defective genes are completely removed and replaced with normal ones. A second approach is what is called augmentative therapy whereby the foreign gene just replaces the defective one without physical replacement of the defective gene (Primrose et al. 2013).
To achieve the above goal two strategies of gene delivery are usually employed. First is the in vitro approach. In this strategy, cells are first isolated, manipulated in vitro and the modified cells are reintroduced back into the host (patient). The second approach is the in vivo where genes are directly introduced in the targeted organ or tissue (Ibraheem et al, 2014).
In mammals, genetic manipulations can be categorized into four; i) Somatic gene therapy (involves manipulation of genes in the somatic cells); researchers commonly use this approach in treatment of genetic disorders, cancer therapy, neurological disorders, cardiovascular diseases and other infectious diseases. ii) Germ-line therapy (manipulation of genes in the germ cells to correct hereditary diseases or defects), iii) Enhanced genetic engineering (genes are introduces to improve a certain trait), iv) Eugenic genetic engineering (genes manipulated to alter or improve complex traits such as ones personality) (Primrose et al. 2013).
How genes are introduces and integrated into the host cells also requires technical understanding and having the biological principles. Gene delivery methods are grouped into two; viral and non-viral techniques. For instance in mammals, especially human beings, viral vectors are commonly used because they ensure entry, integration and expression of the gene into the host genome. Viral vectors which act as gene transfer vehicles include; adenoviruses and adeno-associated viruses, retroviruses (most effective). (Ibraheem et al, 2014).
Gene therapy in mammals has involved the use of retroviruses as gene transfer vehicle because its biology have been extensively studied and understood. When usin...
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