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National Center for Biotechnology Information Eclectic Elements Zn

Essay Instructions:

A. Introduction of element including molar mass, group in periodic table, identify most common cation or anion and give number of protons, neutrons, electrons and Bohr representation of most common isotope, synopsis of physical and chemical properties from material safety data sheet.

B. Description of one role of element when interacting with human body, including organs affected and effect of excess or insufficient amount. Please include a related picture with description for interest.

C. Description of one positive or negative role of element in environment. Specify any impact on animals, plants, water quality, etc. Please include a related picture with description for interest.

D. Pick one usage of element in a consumer product such as food, building materials, electronics, machines. Please include a related picture with description.

E. Writing and Paper Quality

Length of 2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point

F. References in APA 6 format

(See http://www(dot)lib(dot)ncsu(dot)edu/citationbuilder/)font (Times New Roman, Ariel, Calibri)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The name of the element is Zinc and according to the Hill System it is denoted with the symbol Zn. This is an element that was discovered by Andreas Marggraf. It is estimated that the element was discovered in the year 1746, however, it is important to note that it was known to the Greeks and the Romans as early as 20BC. The name of the element is derived from a German name ‘zinc’. This may in turn have been derived from a Persian word, ‘sing’ which refers to stone (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2018).
The element has a molar mass of 65.3800 g/mol. On the periodic table, the element comes in at number 30. Cations are the positively charged ions of an element. It is important to note that a cation has fewer electrons than protons (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2018). This is what makes them positively charged. In the case of the zinc cation, it consists of two extra protons to make it positively charged, Zn2+. This is to mean that, as a cation, the element has an extra two protons. Generally, an atom will have the same number of electrons and protons. In this case, zinc has 30 protons and a total of 28 electrons. This leaves the two protons which cause the positive charge. In the case of the anion, there is a proton that is less, compared to the electrons. This means that the zinc with a negative charge will have 29 protons and 30 electrons. In the case of the neutrons, given that Zinc has the atomic weight of 65.39 when the mass is subtracted from the same, the number of neutrons comes to 35.
It is important to note that as an element Zinc has some physical and chemical properties. The physical include the fact that it has a density of 7.13 g/cm3, its color is largely bluish to white; it has a low melting point which is estimated at 420 degrees Celsius. When it is heated the properties associated with the malleability and elasticity increase (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2018). This is especially the case when the metal is heated to above 100 degree Celsius. As the heat increases, the metal will boil at the temperature of an estimated 906 degree Celsius. At 200 degree Celsius, the element loses its elasticity and turns into a white powder. However, this is an element with a high heat capacity and conductivity, this makes it a good conductor of heat and electricity. In reference to the chemical properties, it reacts with air to form a dull gray coating (National Center for Biotechnology Information, 2018). This dull gray compound is the zinc oxide. It also reacts with other substances such as alkalis, acids, salts, ammonia, ammonium, chalcogens, halogens and other weak metals. However, it does not react with nitrogen. It is also important to note that Zinc is an amorphic metal. Where it reacts with the alkalis it forms substances that are complex compounds such as hydroxo-zincates.
Zinc is one of the essential elements for most of the living organisms. This is relative to the fact that it forms the active site in more than 20 metallo-enzymes. In the human body, there is an estimated 2.5 grams and on a normal day a human will intake an estimated 15 mil...
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