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Biological & Biomedical Sciences
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Discuss The Different Elements Of Bronchiolitis

Essay Instructions:


➢ Please use Peer-reviewed articles and credible websites such as CDC, Mayo and any website with.edu. The article needs to be 5 years old (2014-2019).

➢ 2 pages ( 550 words)

➢ Instruction what to write as listed below:

1) A description of Bronchiolitis

2)The pathophysiology of the respiratory alteration.

3)Finally, explain how bronchiolitis might impact the disorder.

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The majority of the respiratory conditions tend to lead towards breathing issues. This is because of the obstruction in the airways that restricts an individual to breathe without any hindrance. This essay is going to discuss the different elements of bronchiolitis and discuss its impact on respiratory alteration. Proper treatment for respiratory alterations is of great significance; otherwise, it could lead to critical situations.
Bronchiolitis is a type of lung infection which is quite common in infants and children. This condition causes obstruction and inflammation in the small airways which are also termed as bronchioles of the lung (Mayoclinic, 2019). The primary and most common cause of bronchiolitis is viral infections. Typically, people are affected by this condition during winter. The starting symptoms of bronchiolitis are similar to common cold; then it progresses to wheezing and even apnea (difficulty in breathing) (Petrarca, Jacinto & Nenna, 2017). Infants may also suffer from an ear infection along with other symptoms. The symptoms can last up to a month. This condition does not usually require hospitalization as the majority of the children gets better at home with some precautions and treatment (Mayoclinic, 2019). This infection leads towards swelling and inflammation in bronchioles.
Majority of the cases of bronchiolitis are due to the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). However, there are other viruses as well, which could cause this infection, including the viruses that are responsible for common cold and flu (Mayoclinic, 2019). The viruses of bronchiolitis can be quickly spread and highly contagious. Therefore, the infective person needs to avoid skin contact or sharing of things with people.
Respiratory distress or alteration occurs when the respiratory system flunks to perform the mandatory gaseous exchange. Several components become the cause of respiratory alteration. These components include alveoli, chest wall, airways, and respiratory muscles (Cruces et al., 2017). The maximum ...
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