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Discussion Of Properties Of Life, Asic Chemical Terminology, Andmolecules And Compounds Of A Cell Necesary Forlife

Essay Instructions:

Here is the assignment..

Intregrate by discussion the properties of life, basic chemical terminology and molecules and compounds of a cell necessary for life. include the basic anatomy and physiology of a cell and describe how cell respiration, photosynthesis, and cell reproduction occur in a succinct manner. Include a brief discussion

about Mendal's Laws an overview of DNA structure and function.

Conclude with a discussion of cancer and the mechanisms of gene control

Double spaced

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Properties of life (Biology)
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Properties of Life
Properties of Life, Basic Chemical Terminology, Molecules and Compounds
All living things exhibit seven major common characteristics which include; their cellular organization, metabolism, homeostasis, growth and development, reproduction, responsiveness/ interaction and lastly the ability to evolve (Gerald, 2009). In the case of cellular organization, studies of biology reveal that all living cells are made up of one or more cells which are normally highly organized structures into a well-defined hierarchy of tissues, organs, organ systems and finally the whole multicellular organisms. With respect to metabolism as the second property of life, metabolism refers to the use of energy by the living organisms. It encompasses the sum of all chemical reactions within the body which are either anabolic or catabolic that entails the building and breakdown respectively. according to basic biology, it will be realized that all living things either use and obtain energy through eating, breathing as well as drinking of water. However, the sole source of energy is the sun, after which plants transfer the sunlight energy into chemical energy that s further used for growth and development, repair of damaged body tissues and in reproduction (Gerald, 2009). With respect to homeostasis as the next life property, the process entails the maintenance of stable internal conditions, when changes occur in the external conditions. At about 98.60, humans tend to operate very efficiently, and changes of just a few degrees has been found to be life threatening. It will be realized that when it comes to the body chemistry, stability proves to be very important.
Growth and development is another important property of life, whereby it will be realized that all organisms exhibit a life cycle in which they grow and change. Depending on the organism, some forms of life are quite dramatic in comparison with others, ranging from some species of bacteria whose life cycle can only be 20 minutes to other cases whereby the oldest tree has been found to be over 5000 years old. Reproduction or heredity is another crucial property of life whereby all organisms have been found to reproduce for the purpose of continuous species’ existence (Satir, et al., 2008), During the reproductive process, heredity which is the traits of the mother-father organisms is normally passed through genes from parents to offspring. Reproduction is either asexual or sexual. In asexual reproduction, there is always a single parent in whom the offspring acquires similar traits just like in the case of its clone or parent. Contrary to the sexual reproduction on the other hand, two parents are normally involved to produce mosaic trait offspring from the contributing parental Deoxy ribonucleic acids (DNA) (Gerald, 2009). Response or adjustment of living things to external environment is another important property of life. Studies reveal that all organisms will respond to changes experienced in their external environments. These changes can include light, gravity, heat as well as flight or fight. For example, plants have been found to undergo phototropism-directing their growth to the source of light, through auxin which is a growth hormone regulator in plants that control their directional cell elongation during phototropism. The last property of life is evolution. It will be realized that populations of organisms tend to change over a given period of time, which leads to a great diversity in the day to day life. The tenets of evolution include variation, passing of traits, overproduction and competition which fail the survival of quite a number of offspring.
Basic Chemical Terminology, Molecules, Compounds of A Cell Necessary for Life
Cells are the basic components of life and they make up the living organisms. All cells are reproductive in nature in which the existing cells are a product of the previous cells. The cells have been found to make up different human body parts, same applying to plants, fungi as well as in every living organism. According to biological classification, cells are grouped majorly into two categories which include eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells. The eukaryotic cells ...
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