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What is Art

Essay Instructions:
Write a critical analysis paper responding to principles introduced in chapters 1 and 2. Include some discussion of your own definition and perception of \"what is art\". No Wikipedia references.
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What is art?
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Art is dynamic term which is subjective to every individual considering the human nature and opinion. It has been from the past and covers the present, so its our everyday encounter that hardly ever stop, but it lies in artist skill according to people`s perception by its nature engaging in someone in its mages, colours and the complex tangle of feelings, combinations and association. Through the theoretical of reality and idealism of ideas it remains controversial in the subject of being a tangible reality or just an illusion. However, the doubt to explain art, it remains the experience in our everyday life.
Consideration of the chapter one, the theoretical comparative analysis basis on art gives us a sample of some truth of art, in the philosophical critics of aesthetic theory principles whereby the characteristics of objects and things that are inherently beautiful with combination of real and ideal. It entails the combination of copying reality, by joining it to conceptual and imaginative art to bring about beauty of objects. Aristotle`s theory stated it as imitation or ‘mimesis` whereby an artist should initiate only ethically superior universal ideas not to ordinary people but restricted to less or minimum people which could assert the creating work of art like holding up a minor up to nature because the art reflects what he or she sees in the middle ages to bring about good business, truth and beauty so the stimulation of art in this perception was like encountering a satisfaction which people have when something works well, when pieces all fit, everything comes out right. However he ever made it clear how an artist, in practice reconsiders the imitation of reality with the reproduction of these philosophical ideals thus he concluded the artistic work is by selecting certain parts of reality and combining hem.
Plato embraced art as a form of inspiration. In him art is in more positive term inspiration changes one`s perception in reality just like inebriation or madness thus leads to vigorous creation of something. In his assertion, an idea exists in a state of absolute perception so art is an imitation twice removed from truth reality so becomes a divine inspiration or possession. So since his statements in the nineteenth century, many people have defined an artistic as an inspired seer or prophet who saw things that ordinary people could not which later lead to this platonic inspiration which gave the artist a godlike power to penetrate reality to see hidden meanings and to unify matter and spirit through art. Thus through the inherent desire of good object seen in ideal world, the artist would want to modify it even more in a touching way, thus much better outcome in reality description.
More of the psychological theories have their views on art. In the right brain theory, the left brain controls language, logic and sequencing while the right controls art and intuits spatially thus through the shift to the left, it brings about awareness and thus perception of overall pattern of things which takes hold of a person, which later leads to divine inspiration thus perceptual artists who mimic what they see by hand and mind eye and differentiated from conceptual artists who see art depicting what the mind knows in terms of ideas.
Popular theories also have a different view on art principles in both realism and prettiness or just beauty. Art is defined as reality because the stimulation and moderation of the art work represents reality in genre, fantasy, personification and even in historical information , so the object seen are represented in the exact way as they appear in portrait form giving different subjects but real meaning in conveyed to the people. Prettiness on the other hand says that art cannot be ugly but portrays a beautiful ...
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