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The Nude: History and Theory

Essay Instructions:

This paper assignment requires you to closely examine and discuss the Archaic Greek

Kouros (Youth), ca. 590-580 BC, in Gallery 154 in the Classical Antiquities galleries on the first

floor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Before writing your paper you should do at least

enough research so that you know the essential facts about the work. You can find information

regarding the Kouros in Marilyn Stokstad’s Art History and in Kenneth Clark’s The Nude. You

should then address questions such as the following:

1. How is the Kouros similar and how is it different from Egyptian sculptures such as

Menkaure and a Queen, 2490-2472 BC?

2. Why is the figure nude?

3. How is your experience of the work affected by elements such as its scale, the marble

medium, and the quality of the carving? What is the sculpture’s psychological impact?

4. What changes take place as the freestanding nude male figure in Greek art evolves from

the Kouros to works such as Polykleitos’s Spear Bearer? Nearby the Kouros is a Roman

copy of Polykleitos’s Diadoumenos.

5. Why might some modern artists and critics prefer the Kouros to later, more naturalistic

works such as those by Polykleitos or Praxiteles?

Your paper should convince me that you have actually seen the work at the Metropolitan

Museum of Art and have not based your ideas on reproductions. If you draw on scholarly

sources, make sure that they are properly cited and footnoted (see Definition of Plagiarism

and Guidelines for Citations on the back of this sheet). Organize your thoughts and support

generalizations with specific observations. Proofread for errors of spelling, unclear

organization, wrong choice of words, mistakes in subject-verb agreement and run-on or

incomplete sentences. Papers must be typed and double-spaced. The suggested length is 2-3


P.S I have the book The Nude, I can take photos of relevant pages if needed, please let me know if you need it. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Nude: History and Theory
The Nude: History and Theory
The nude is a famous art form that uses unclothed figures of individuals. It is one of the most popular forms of art in Archaic Greek. The Kouros is among the earliest forms of human sculpture and directly relates with Egyptian art because the stance and position of the limbs originated from Egypt. The Kouros usually functioned as a grave marker and related to the Egyptian sculptures because they were used for the same purposes (Stieber, 2021). The nudity used on the sculptures was a sign of the individuals. It was a signature of the person's condition. Male individuals from elite backgrounds were sculptured in this form because they were allowed to participate in Olympic games without any clothing.
It was an approach that was believed to bare their souls and ensure that they were able to appease the Greek gods, such as Zeus and Pelops. Apart from being grave markers, Kuoros were also used as dedications in sanctuaries and altars of Greek people (Kaltsas, 2002). Compared to Egyptian sculptures, the main difference is that Kuoros appear more naturalistic than Egyptian sculptures. Moreover, most of the Egyptian sculptures were created on flat slabs and were mainly partially clothed (Kaltsas, 2002). On the other hand, the Kouros was never clothed in a standing position. Through the nudity, the people represented by the Kouros sculptures would be perceived in ways that transcended time, uplifting the individuals into universal symbols of humanity.
Based on my experience of the work, I think that its scale represents a similar human form or size. The sculptures we...
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