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1 pages/≈275 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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The Symbiotic Relationship between Fashion Journalism and Fashion Itself

Essay Instructions:

The kinds of questions to answer in your responses are:
What is the main thesis of each of our readings? (i.e.: What do we learn?)
Are there any secondary theses?
How do the authors support their arguments?
What kinds of sources and images do they use?
How are the various arguments developed?
Do you agree with the argument(s) made? Why? Why not?
How do the readings support/contradict what you have learned in your classes up this day?
What is the value of learning about these topics?
Can we apply what we learn from these readings to other interiors, art objects, cultures, and contexts?
Can you find any similarities between the time-period discussed (and its design) and our contemporary culture?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

History of Modern Fashion
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History of Modern Fashion
Kate Nelson Best explores the symbiotic relationship between fashion journalism and fashion itself. Fashion journalism reflects on all fashion types and their associated creativity. I learned that fashion creates a symbolic value of clothing through fashion media. On the other hand, Sharon Zukin explores shopping logistics by examining the nature of the point of purchase or market.
Kate Best argues that the fashion media’s existence supports how fashion journalism innovatively complements the modern fashion system. In support of her arguments, Best explores fashion artists and their contribution to contemporary fashion’s development (Best, 2017). She further uses fashion artists’ articles and press images to support her thesis. In Zukin’s reading, she compares markets in various locations worldwide, such as Belgrade, Pompeii, and New York (Zukin, 2018). She explains the nature of trading activities and the differences in goods and services. She uses marketplace photos published in daily newspapers.
Best develops her argument about fashion media and fashion possessing a symbiotic relationship by exploring fashion’s growth into a discipline and a more than $1 trillion global industry (Best, 2017). I agree with Best’s argument because different industries have adopted marketing strategies that incorporate fashion media to help their brands’ popularity to increase worldwide. Zukin supports her argument...
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