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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Sustainability, COVID-19, and Fashion Future

Essay Instructions:

Everyone is responsible for reading the weekly assigned articles or chapters. After reading, post a one-two paragraph response online on Canvas on the discussion board for that week. These responses (1) prepare you for class, (2) allow you to think about the material before we discuss it in class and relate it to your own work and/or experience; and (3) extend the class discussion to give everyone a chance to contribute. No need to summarize the article; just post your analysis of one or two points that impressed you, a quote you found interesting and why, or a connection you drew between two or more of the readings. On weeks when there is a museum visit, post an photo from the museum and explain how it relates to one or more of the readings from that week.

The kinds of questions to answer in your responses are:

What is the main thesis of each of our readings? (i.e.: What do we learn?)
Are there any secondary theses?
How do the authors support their arguments?
What kinds of sources and images do they use?
How are the various arguments developed?
Do you agree with the argument(s) made? Why? Why not?
How do the readings support/contradict what you have learned in your classes up this day?
What is the value of learning about these topics?
Can we apply what we learn from these readings to other interiors, art objects, cultures, and contexts?
Can you find any similarities between the time-period discussed (and its design) and our contemporary culture?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Sustainability, COVID-19, and Fashion Future
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, sustainability and waste from the fashion industry have long been a subject of debate in many conversations. Elizabeth Cline’s article “Where Does Discarded Clothing Go” in 2014 highlights the things that happen to clothes after people, retailers, and other parties have discarded them. Because of the increased availability of and accessibility to different kinds of clothing, there has been an increase in clothing purchases nowadays compared to the past (Cline, 2014). In the context of fashion, there has been a great change in how materials are sourced, as discussed by Givhan (2019). Givhan’s article (2019) highlights the different implications of sustainability efforts in the fashion industry. For example, the author used photos that are related to the subject matter, and since the post was from before masks were required almost everywhere, the author probably used the photos to emphasize the connection between the environment and the fashion industry.
The authors emphasize the supporting details by using related information from various organizations and present arguments that are based ...
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