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Writing Assignment On Rock And Roll Style And Performance

Essay Instructions:

You may use the course book below as a reference and up to two more outside references. Please list your references in APA format also.

Covach, J. & Flory, A. (2015). What’s that sound? An introduction to rock and its history. (4th Ed.) W.W. Norton & Company, New York, NY.


Your essay will consist of two essay questions that are based on the material you learned in the course. Each question/essay should consist of 400 words and should be written in APA format.

1. At the beginning of the course, you were asked to pick your favorite song or a song that is particularly meaningful to you. Research the song thoroughly - you may have to do some reading in our textbook to learn a little more about the period in which this song was recorded and the group or artist performed it.

Song- Luther Vandross “Dance with my Father"-2003

In your essay, identify who wrote the music and the lyrics. If members of the band didn't write the song, identify who wrote the song and if there is any significance to the identity of the writer(s).

Describe the style of the artists who perform on the recording and what category of rock and roll you would use to classify this song.

And as I have asked you to do all term, discuss the significance or importance of the song and how it fits into the big picture of Rock and Roll history.

2. Choose a contemporary song between the years 1980 - 2010. Analyze the song according to the following criteria.

Song- Michael Jackson “Off The Wall”- 1979

Social/political context- (The Rise of Disco)

Musical influences

Musical styles and the influences that shaped the style

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rock and Roll EssayAuthorInstitutional AffiliationCourseInstructorDate
Song-Luther “Vandross Dance with my father”-2003
The “Song Dance with my Father” was written by Luther Vandross, with the help of Richard Marx and was officially produced in the year 2003. He is the original singer and producer of the song even though he received some help from his cowriter Marx CITATION Ste16 \l 1033 (Thomsen, Rndle, & Lewis, 2016). The song is a deep reflection of his young life, together with his late father before he passed away and left Vandross at an early age of seven years. It is fascinating and quite impressive that despite the fact he was very young at that age, he still recalls his moments with his dad. This ability to remember such crucial and life important times enables him to write this song where he is able to remember his father. Richard Marx plays such an important role in the creation of this song by directing Vandross. He guided him through the emotional times and ensured that Vandross was able to produce the best record ever in his music career. The song enabled him to acquire numerous awards, key among them being the Grammy Awards in the year 2004.
Styles of Performance.
In performing the song, Vandross and his band used the used electric guitars that in produce melodious rhythm during performance. Each of the members in the band possessed great mastery in playing his or her musical instrument, where each of them was tasked with a specific instrument. This gave them an advantage in the industry, thus allowing them to produce vocal performance while on the stage. Additionally, they were able to use the stage appropriately by incorporating great moves when dancing to their songs, and this enabled them to get the attention of many people.
The song can be categorized as an adult contemporary type of rock and roll music. This can be attributed to the fact the music is soft and soul healing. This characteristic also makes it to be very vocal and quiet in nature CITATION Cov15 \l 1033 (Covach & Flory, 2015).
Significance of the song
The song is of significant importance in the Rock and Roll music industry since it demonstrates how emotional feelings can be incorporated in a song and successfully bring out the desired information. Additionally, it is an encouragement to many other people with an ability to sing, to come out and express their feelings to the understanding audience. Lastly, it has made Rock and Roll be very en...
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