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Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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The Response to The Emancipated Spectator

Essay Instructions:

Reading Responses general requirement

This is a reading and writing intensive course. Students are required to do all the readings and write a 300-400 word “reading response” to the assigned close reading(s) given each week (“close readings” are usually PDF texts provided in addition to the readings from the textbook). The first paragraph of the reading response is a summary of the reading (or a section of the reading that you find interesting or worthy of discussion). And the remaining 2-3 paragraphs contains your personal “response” to the reading, either in the form of agreement/disagreement, or in the form of questions about what you don’t understand or what you need clarified further. Bring at least two questions to discuss in class.

For today:
Read Ranciére's chapter "The Intolerable Image" from his book (File attached), The Emancipated Spectator. Find a specific statement or paragraph that strikes you and write about it. Please use your own words. Include two questions after your reading response.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Response to The Emancipated Spectator
Most people in the current environment seem to be very passive and rather uninterested when it comes to matters to do with politics. There seems to be some form of apathy towards political issues. This in turn brings about another realization on the basis of fact that an informed and active audience can result in better governance in general. The Emancipated spectator is a great work done by Jacques Ranciere. The author aims at trying to ‘set free’ the modern audience, so as to make them an active part of politics, be it directly or indirectly. In the author’s own terms, people are supposed to shift from the ‘politics of looking’ to a more active and inclusive role. Through the use of artworks from various artists, the author is able to clearly bring out the importance of having an emancipated populace. Chapter 4 ,titled Intolerable Image is quite profound, having these specific aspects incorporated and discussed to great detail.
Chapter 4
In the chapter, the author contends that there is a need to kind of ‘shock’ the populace into action, for them to really get going in matters politics. He is however keen to note that merely viewing some graphic images wont achieve the jolt needed to push people into awareness and action. Generally, people tend to be turbid in issues that don’t affect them directly. One usually focuses on his or her immediate needs. This goes deep, to eve...
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