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Reflection on the Film, "Intangible Asset No. 82"

Essay Instructions:

"Intangible Asset No. 82" and intercultural music

Address the following questions. Reflects close attention to the film and careful thought about the questions:

1. Over the course of the film Intangible Asset No. 82, we see Simon Barker experiencing methods of musical training and perspectives on music that are new to him. In your own words, describe some of these differences and their impact on him: In what ways did Barker's experiences in Korea change his approach to playing music, and even change how he thinks about music in general?

2. Towards the end of the film, Barker attends a healing ceremony for Kim Seok-Chul, and comments that “I felt sometimes I should turn away, like I was watching something I shouldn’t be seeing.” Why do you think Barker felt discomfort at being present for this ceremony? What is your own reaction to this scene, and what is your opinion about the kind of intercultural musical training and study described in this film?

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Music Writing Assignment
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Music Writing Assignment
Question 1
Simon Barker, in the film, Intangible Asset No. 82, is depicted as a character with a great passion for music and exploring cultures. The movie documents an Australian drummer applauded as most persuasive in drumming in his expeditions to search for a great improviser. In the film, some differences witnessed include energy as the critical element of Southern Korean culture. For instance, he felt the projection of energy in music in the ponzore singer's howl. The ponzore singer is part of a tradition that dates back generations. One thing that Barker learns is that the rituals behind shamanic South Korean practices are real-life commitments. Barker is introduced to many performers and musicians who exemplify traditional elements. One artist Barker interacts with is a Pansori singer who used musical training by spending years living in a hut near a waterfall. The musician practiced by bellowing over splashes of water cascade. Other masters share their secrete of music crafts as the film encompasses drums, art, music, and way of life.
Throughout his long musical journey, Simon Barker is confronted with a different new world of music and culture. The encounter impacted Barker's perceptions of art and music, ushering him to a new sense of love and commitment. Barker had spent a decade immersing himself in traditional drumming; he was impacted to integrate the learned musical concepts in other societies like the western drum kit, co...
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