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Reasons Why Drake is My Favorite Artist

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: 5-10pg paper(Due 1 week BEFORE the final exam.)

Typically, the tem paper's about one's 'Favorie Artist.’ Usually within, or relating to, Music in the United States -however that's not strict. Feell free to write in 1st person & give your own response, including facts as well as your ppinions, about what's unique & great about their music. Try to avod hyperbole (which is kinda like saying. "th amazing b/c..they're just awesome!”)Rather, got into the musicoogica details - the songwnting. the lyrics. the parti expression. instrumentation, the sound production. etc that you beleve gives their work its appeal. Be sure to in footnates or bibliog if it's that kind of research paper. Note: You don't have to wnte about your favorte artist. if y rather make your 2nd paper about somathing eise - let me know. in case it might be helpful, from previous semesters here below are various other topics which have worked well for this 5-10pg paper.

Final Project:(Here again is what it said in the syllabus: "Students with a music backcround may apply thei understanding of the compositional process towards the creation of an orginal piecr of music, with the instructor's guidancr. Students may choose to write and,if time permits.present in class a five to ten page term paper the subject of which can be either a live concert performance,a sound recordinga soundtracka musical workor a particular composet or musican. All final project topics must be discussed with and approved by the instructor.")

So basically, it's a 5-10 page well-written paper on some topic of your choice relating to music in the United States. If thete's time, we may have some presentations in clase:8-10minutes or so each.Whether you choose to read directly from the paper or just extemporize brilliantly on your topic you should be prepared to answer questions from the class.

Here are just a few ideas...

L) The Great Artist: Pick a composer or some established or emerging performet whese music you find interesting Providing only the most relevant biographical materal present your ideas about the musician'swork.Focus on just a few works: culminative milestones, or less scrutinized gems Some questions to considerwhat makes this person's music sc special? What are the identifying characteristics of his or her technique? What is the individual expression, or way oi interpreting the musicor conbination of infiuences? Try to descrbe stylistic characteristics ot recorded passages using some of the musical terms you have learned.(and be sure to discuss anytexts of any vocal music)

2The Great Work or Moment in Music:Pick a favorite moment,(this can be any interval of time ranging from about twenty seconds up to about two minutes, or a whole track even,)and try to give a detailed account of what's going on: the fnstrumental combinations,contrasts,dynamics,gestures...whatever it is in the passage that gives it a powerful impact an the listener's cars. Draw conclusions about why the moment works so well: little details can give rise to a broad range ot expression, so, what is this musical moment saying to you?This kind of study requires many repeated listenings, so choose yout subject wisely!

3)The Favorite Musical Instrument: If you just really like violin or percussionor brass quintet etcfind some good exampies on record and write about themHow did the instrument develop?Whonnovated new techniques? How does the instrument sound in the context ofa group?Remember it is your own reaction to the music that is most important


4.) The Review: Attend a concert and describe the experience.Give names and instruments of the principal plavers.Give titles of works performed,f there are any titfes) Lster aftentively to any featured soloists and take note of interactions between the musicans and reactions of the audience. There are alwavs many details about the way live music i performed and presented,(inciuding even the mode of dress, particular hall.and the price of the ticket) that contribute to the way its recrived.

**5.) Theory: Muscians among you might choose to challenge yourself with some theoretical subject like"Schoenberg's Twelve Tone music"or"The Neapolitan Sixth Chord."Really get inside of some innovation,(nowadays there are a lot of godd books on theory as well as history,)and, citing specific examples, show how these innovations manifest themselves differently in varied contexts.

**6.) Composition: Some of you already write and play musicIf you've been inspired in any way by the music we've heard this semester, and might be interested in writing a new piece, it would be great to have at east some creative prorects of this kind as well.Words or no words,devise the nelody,harmony,rhythm,and texture, with dynamics and articulationWe can print it and discuss details at your convenience

do not use chatgpa or Ai resourse

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Reasons Why Drake is My Favorite Artist
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Reasons Why Drake is My Favorite Artist
Music is one of the best art pieces since it helps to evoke emotions. Over the years, I have been listening to music for entertainment and educational reasons. Even though I listen to different music genres, my best genre is rap music. I love this music because it has great lyrics, rhyme, rhythm, and delivery, which proves huge creativity separating it from the other music genres. Moreover, it has one of the greatest talents that has evolved recently and has dominated over the years. Despite this music's many talents, my favorite artist has remained to be Drake. Drake is my favorite artist since he is emotionally vulnerable and honest, has maintained authenticity, offers the best lyrics, has the best melodic hooks, embraces soft and fearsome raps, has the best features and versatility in storytelling, represents defiance, shows resilience, and have a positive impact to a young generation of artists.
One unique feature that has helped Drake be an outstanding artist is that he has successfully built his legacy by being emotionally vulnerable and honest, which most artists lack. For instance, in his whole career, Drake has succeeded in showing the full range of complex emotions in his music. For example, his music has included personal struggles, love life, and family drama (Braboy, 2019). One of the tracks that highlighted most of these aspects were expressed in “Look What You Done," which he released in 2011, and "Too Much," which he released in 2013, featuring Sampah. This instance changes people's perspective that the artists have a perfect life by acknowledging that the artists are not super humans who have some problems like any other normal person.
Even though most people view vulnerability as a weakness, mostly when it comes from a man, I always view it as one of the greatest strengths that a human being can have. I usually believe that the strongest people are the ones who overcome the shame about the past and current and share it with the public. Moreover, since many people have been suffering in silence, I view Drake as a perfect example of offering people, mostly men, a wake-up call to stop suffering in silence rather than open up to others. If people gain the courage that Drake has to admit their past and open up, their rates of depression and suicide could reduce by a huge margin. I enjoy his music since he encourages me that I should not be ashamed of my past but always open up and seek help.
The other outstanding feature that has made Drake a great Rapper is that he always expresses his facial expressions in his rap. If he is rapping about a romantic instance, he will not hesitate to make happy and nasty expressions. Similarly, if he is rapping about a weird experience, such as heartbreak, he always presents it with a frown face. This instance creates an atmosphere in the music where the audience can successfully visualize what he is trying to address. Even though these features are expected to cause a remarkable impact, they have severally landed Drake into trouble. For example, there have been instances where some people have criticized him, calling him emotional (Still, 2011). However, rather than shying away from it, he acknowledges that he is always emotional and usually expresses it through his music. Drake's ability to embrace the emotional side has helped his music to be different and also helped it to blend with other generic rap music successfully.
The other unique feature that has made Drake great is his authenticity. For instance, during the wave of auto-tune-heavy hits, most rappers tried to imitate former rappers, such as the late great Roger Troutman and T-pain. This time made most artists lose the quality of the art since it was hard for people to find both a legit rapper and a crooner who could deliver velvety smooth pop vocals that could successfully exist separately from their hip hop songs. This instance also caused many artists to survive since few artists were removed from the auto-tune warped sounds, which also affected the sheer quality of the Billboard chart's success. However, rather than following this trend, Drake innovated and popularized a new style that varied from what most rappers were doing. Rather than following the wave, he embraced a unique authenticity-based process, making him remain top for over a decade.
The other unique feature is that he always produces one of the best lyrics. For instance, he has a special delivery and straight-to-the-point lyrics, usually making the songs relatable. For instance, even when highlighting the darker side of love, which most people are usually afraid to admit exists, he always makes it relatable so that even people who have not yet experienced it can successfully visualize it. Even though sometimes it is great to have hyper-creativity in a song, it is usually critical for an artist to make it more relatable to the audience what they are trying to mean. If the audience understands the content, they can relate to the song. I always enjoy listening to his music regarding an issue since it helps me understand the subject deeply since I do not struggle to understand whatever he is trying to mean.
Moreover, Drake has also succeeded in showcasing a unique way in which he blends his introspective and melodic hooks. For instance, over his career, he has been releasing a series of chart-topping albums such as Take Care. One of the outstanding features he always has is an eloquent style, versatile flow, and intricate world play. Many people also acknowledge that Drake is one of the few artists that have maintained versatility since he started his music career. In addition, his songs have hooks that make them interesting. For instance, I enjoy his hooks since the repetition makes me more famil...
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