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1 pages/≈275 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 3.6

Reading Response 4/15 Visual & Performing Arts Essay Sontag, S. (2014). On Photography

Essay Instructions:

This is a reading and writing intensive course. Students are required to do all the readings and write a 300-400 word “reading response” to the assigned close reading(s) given each week (“close readings” are usually PDF texts provided in addition to the readings from the textbook). The first paragraph of the reading response is a summary of the reading (or a section of the reading that you find interesting or worthy of discussion). And the remaining 2-3 paragraphs contains your personal “response” to the reading, either in the form of agreement/disagreement, or in the form of questions about what you don’t understand or what you need clarified further.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Reading response
Date of Submission
Reading response
The book describes the 1970s role of photography and takes a view of the previous year’s photography. The books also entail a description of various photographic works including the work of Diane Arbu’s. The history of American photography by Walt Whitman is presented relating it to how America was in 1970. The author put across the idea that photography has the meaning of every event is leveled and equal, and interpretation of the photographs bring out what the photographer intended or what the analyzer what to put across. The author further noted that the photographic images had established a “chronic voyeuristic relation” between people. The notion of anti-intervention is presented in the book with a conflict arising that the photographer cannot adequately intervene in whatever he or she is recording and neither can a pe...
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