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The Purpose of Art

Essay Instructions:

It should be 3-4 pages, double-spaced, in 12-pt. font, with standard margins. (Note: everything above the first line of the essay itself does not count towards the 3-page minimum.) Your paper should refer to at least three of the authors we have read so far (out of Plato, Aristotle, Tolstoy, Freeland, and Barthes). See the document entitled ‘Paper Guidelines and Writing Tips’ to get a sense of how a good paper should be composed.

Choose ONE of the following topics:

1) What is the purpose of art?

2) What is the role of the artist in creating a work of art? Is it better to think of the artist as a creator or a conduit?

3) Is art basically rational or emotional? Or is it both (and if so, in what way)?

Your essay should clearly convey the views of the authors you choose to write on. You may choose to argue for or against those views, but if so you must provide reasons for your criticism.

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Philosophy Of Art
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Philosophy Of Art
People have different perspectives regarding the meaning and the purpose of art in life. Throughout history, art has had many functions, which has made it challenging to quantify it to a single concept. However, this does not mean that art's purpose in life is vague because its creation can be connected to various reasons. Given that art cannot be quantified to a single concept, its purpose is to express imagination, communicate important concepts, entertain, and facilitate societal change.
The main purpose of art is to express the artist's imagination to the viewers. The imagination is expressed through the choice of color and the design used in the art. The imagination could be about things, places, or ideas that can be real and unreal things in life. Art expresses an imagination using ideas and symbols, whose meanings can be best determined by the artist. Once an artist has created a piece of art, the viewers have a major role in determining the message that the artist intended to pass across. The artists create visual imagery of their thoughts are the viewers are left to interpret the interpretation. According to Plato, the main factor about art is that it imitates events and objects of ordinary life. People might not know much about the meanings of these objects and events, but through the imagination of artists, the interpretation becomes easier (Adams, 2018). Therefore, the imagination expressed by the artist becomes easy to interpret because it is based on ordinary life, which can be real or imaginary.
Another purpose of art is that it communicates important concepts in life. Aristotle defends the purpose of art by pointing out that viewers receive a cognitive value through the appreciation of art. When a person appreciates art, they can easily perceive the information being communicated by the artists (Kolomiets, 2018). Different artworks represent different concepts in life, and such concepts can only be of value to the viewers if they understand the meaning. Such means that art plays a major role in communicating ideas and passing across important information that people would not have known without art. Aristotle defines art as the realization of the true form of an idea and can be traced back to the natural love associated with imitation. Through such realization of ideas, artists can communicate important inform...
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