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Playlist: A Reflection of One's True Identity

Essay Instructions:

Compose and share a Spotify playlist that reflects your preferences as determined, in Levitin's words, "by more or less chance factors: where you went to school, who you hung out with, what music they happened to be listening to." This does not have to be restricted to your high-school days, however! Feel free to include music you're listening to now, but which is determined by the same kinds of factors (e.g., what your friends today happen to be listening to). Limit your playlist to 10 tracks. Then write a brief essay that answers these questions:

How accurately does this playlist reflect your identity (as Levitin proposes)?

What's missing?

What does it capture well?

Would someone "get" you based solely on their listening to your playlists?

How might you change this playlist in order to reflect a different self to others? In short, do you agree with Levitin?

There is no set minimum length for this essay, but experience suggests that it is challenging to fulfill the expectations of this assignment in fewer than 750 words, and all but impossible in fewer than 500. Likewise, there is no upper limit—you may write as much as you wish, but 1500 words should be adequate in most cases.

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Music is one of the most loved items on the planet due to its power of influence. Additionally, music can also be described as a piece that can reflect an individual, community, or country's identity (Siemann, 2017). Music shapes a person's identity in different ways. For example, the people you hung out with in school tend to listen to a particular set of music. I have grown in lower-class neighborhoods, and the commonest music played in these areas is hip hop. For more than decades in the neighborhood, music has been our identity. There is nothing that brings people together like music, especially for young people. The playlist I composed is more of a reality and true reflection of young people in the country. People who listen to the same music always have the same status quo; they have many things in common that bind them together.
The statement by Levitin is true; I went to school same school, mostly with people to who we listened to the hip hop genre together. Despite being agemates, these people were my family. We had the same goals, and they were defined by the kind of music we listened to. Hip hop music is life, and it gives young people the opportunity to create true identity. The history of hip-hop music is extensive, and its original intent was to help the Latino and Black youths have a home. They joined groups to come up with music that would be impact self and nation. It helped them have a voice, so hip hop is favorite music to many people. Most people refer to hip hop as dirty, but I believe that is not the case because it is a piece that reflects true identity. Over the years have realized music is the most influential item on the planet. The playlist is well composed, and it does not lack anything because of musical passion. It is difficult to make a mistake on something you love.
Notably, the people you hung out with have the same objectives and goals, and they are mostly people you have grown up together. Surprisingly, some of the home mates joined the same college just because of music. Music gave them identity and home, which is quite phenomenal. Levitin's statements are so incredible and true, and they resonate around the passion of respecting someone's identity. Most people create music not just as a form of income but to pass a message. As discussed earlier, it is a voice for most people. For example, most pop stars from the black community compose songs to ...
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