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Late Impressionism vs. Fauvism

Essay Instructions:

Please use the images and text provided for the writing.

Images (attached):

The first is a late impressionist work by Camille Pissarro. Painted in 1902, it depicts a view of the garden at the artist’s home. On the back of the canvas, Pissarro noted that he had painted it on the spot, during mornings in October, between the hours of 10:00 and 12:30. Your paper must consider the implications of this inscription. The second painting, dated around 1905, is a landscape by the Fauve Maurice de Vlaminck.

Through specific observations and analysis, compare and contrast the two works, focusing on how they both help you to understand the aims and the “look” of Fauvism, and its difference from what came before. Your discussion should include direct consideration/discussion of the following statement made by Vlaminck in 1905: “I wanted to burn down the École des Beaux-Arts [the Academy] with my cobalts and vermilions. I wanted to express my feelings without troubling what painting was like before me. . . . Life and me, me and life—that’s all that matters.” How does a comparison of the two works bear out such claims?

Your essay should also refer to at least two (2) specific, relevant passages in Matisse’s “Notes of a Painter,” (attached) a primary document of Fauve perspectives. Another resource you may draw upon is situating these two landscapes in contexts of developing ideas about modernism. Make your observations and analysis specific to these examples. Finally, this is NOT a research paper and there’s no need to provide background information about these artists. Your analysis and interpretation should emerge from your close consideration and discussion of the images themselves.

Thank you and please message me updates, and if you have any questions I can answer during the process of writing, please don't hesitate to reach out.

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Late Impressionism vs. Fauvism
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Late Impressionism vs. Fauvism
Impressionism art is depicted by loose strokes of a brush having relative colors and producing bright paintings mostly from the outside environment. Moreover, it incorporates afar-off images. Camille Pissarro did an impressionist work spot during the mornings of October, between 10:00 and 12:00 in 1902, and made a painting that gave a clear view of the artist's home compound. His house is clearly observed from a distance. Fauvism was characterized by bold patches of bright colors, dominant red colors, and simplified designs. In Pissarro's painting, the colors are very bright, and the conditions are simplified. Similarly, in Vlaminck's painting, the arrangements are simplified even though the colors are not very bright. In A Corner of the Meadow at Eragny, Camille Pissarro uses a bright and vibrant color palette to capture the playful energy of the scene. The Fauvist aesthetic is evident in the expressive brushstrokes and bold colors, which create a sense of movement and vitality. This painting is a departure from Pissarro's early work, characterized by a more naturalistic approach.
The Fauvist style was a new and exciting way of painting that allowed artists to experiment with color and form. Maurice de Vlaminck's Autumn Landscape (c. 1905) is a much more muted and subdued painting than Camille Pissarro's A Corner of the Meadow at Eragny (1902). Whereas Pissarro's painting is full of bright, almost garish colors, Vlaminck's painting uses more subdued hues. This difference in color palette helps to illustrate the different aims of the two artists. While Pissarro was interested in creating a visually stimulating painting full of energy, Vlaminck focused on creating a painting that conveyed a feeling of calm and serenity. This approach variation indicates the broader disparity between the two painting styles. Fauvism, of which Vlaminck was a leading proponent, was more invested in creating an emotional response in the viewer. In contrast, the earlier style of painting that Pissarro was associated with was more concerned with making a realistic depiction of the world.
Pissarro and Vlaminck abandoned the traditional rules of perspective and geometry and created a more flat, two-dimensional picture plane. Their simplified forms and shapes are reminiscent of the Post-Impressionists, but with brighter, more saturated colors. This flattened perspective can be seen in Pissarro's use of large, flat areas of color and Vlaminck's simplified landscapes. In both "A Corner of the Meadow at Eragny" and "Autumn Landscape," Pissarro and Vlaminck have abandoned the traditional perspective in favor of a more flat, two-dimensional approach. This flattening of space creates a sense of immediacy and intimacy that is unique to Fauvism. By eliminating the traditional perspective, the Fauves could focus on the expressive potential of color and line, which they used to significant effect. In both paintings, the colors are very bright and bold. That's one of the main characteristics of Fauvism. The colors are meant to be expressive and to cre...
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