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Visual & Performing Arts
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“Good” and “Bad” Taste in Music: Visual & Performing Arts Essay

Essay Instructions:

Choose two pieces of music: one that you believe is generally considered to be a piece of music in "good taste" (by whatever community or taste-makers you decide), and another you believe is generally considered to be a piece of music in "bad taste." Find at least one piece of evidence that these pieces are indeed considered (by some, at least) to be in "good" and "bad" taste, respectively—for example, you might draw upon reviews from Pitchfork, Metacritic, Allmusic, or any other reputable source you choose.

SOME GUIDELINES:Do not choose (1) something that you have written yourself; (2) a song that was discussed in this week's lesson (e.g., Rebecca Black's "Friday"); or (3) a work of classical music.

Keep in mind that the task is not to choose something you like and something you don't like; it's to choose something you believe is in good taste and bad taste. (Arguably it's pretty common to like a song that you believe to be in "bad taste"; we usually call them "guilty pleasures" or something like that.) So focus on taste, not how much you like or dislike it.

Then choose two of the authors we examined this week and analyze those two pieces of music from each of their perspectives (i.e., what would Author A say about Song 1 and Song 2? what would Author B say about Song 1 and Song 2?).

What would they say about this music?

On what, if any, points would they agree? Disagree? Are there any aspects of the author's views on taste that are not helpful or applicable to the song you're discussing?

Be sure to ground your assertions in what we know of those authors' views! For example, don't write simply "Author A wouldn't like this song—it's bad." Instead, describe what in Author A's understanding of taste would lead you to make that conclusion on Author A's behalf.

There is no set minimum length for this essay, but experience suggests that it is challenging to fulfill the expectations of this assignment in fewer than 750 words, and all but impossible in fewer than 500. Likewise, there is no upper limit—you may write as much as you wish, but 1500 words should be adequate in most cases.

Post your work here as a doc, docx, PDF, or rtf file. Label the file "Last name_L06."

Essay Sample Content Preview:

“Good” and “Bad” Taste in Music
“Good” and “Bad” Taste in Music
“Hero” by Mariah Carey is my pick for a song considered to be in good taste. While my choice of music considered to be in bad taste is “My Humps” by Black Eyed Peas. Mariah Carey’s song Hero is deemed good taste my money since it contains bravery and strength messages. Furthermore, the artist is adored by many people owing to her previous impressive songs. Most people are attracted to Mariah Carey’s voice and consider any of her songs in good taste. Due to her influence as a brand, her music could be given a more positive listening approach than other musicians. However, I perceive the piece as good taste since the instrumental is soothing, and the song serves motivational purposes. Moreover, the work of music is accompanied by an organized composition full of rhythm and diction. The words used in the song are relatable to several societies worldwide and evoke emotions of strength and power. According to Songfacts, Mariah Carey’s song, “Hero,” received several accolades, and she also received letters from fans acknowledging that the music touched their lives (“Hero by Mariah Carey - Songfacts,” 2020).
On the other hand, My Humps by Black Eyed Peas gain traction due to its bad taste. This song’s content is objectively misled, and the lyrics are annoying for their simplicity and predictability. Because of the song’s theme, it was meant to target the mature adult population. However, it incorporates childish composition that does not relate to adults. The instrumental has a polyphonic feel that is harsh and disturbs the ears. According to Slate.com, the music is rated as bad music due to its ethical disorientation (Hsu, 2020). The song has received humorous responses, parody videos, and critics. Besides the song’s horrific composition and choice of ideas, the piece also incorporates a theme of sexual harassment, which was sensitive to the American population at the time of release.
Bourdieu’s idea of cultural capital suggests that music taste could be linked to social class and economic levels. Taste in music serves the purpose of classifying levels of cultural capital and identity. Moreover, this functionality can be seen as a competition since people strive to claim a certain degree of cultural capital and disregard other people’s cultural capital. From Bourdieu’s notion, the author might disregard songs that contain sensitive lyrics and consider them in bad taste. ...
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