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1 pages/≈275 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Genuine love. Visual & Performing Arts Assignment.

Essay Instructions:

write a Visual Analysis on their Personal Artwork. The analysis must be based on the Elements of Art as reviewed in class. Discuss the importance of the Elements in the work, placing emphasis on those that are the most dominate. In place of artist biographical information, students are to write a personal statement discussing their journey through the class and their process in creating the final artwork, i.e. what where the deciding factors and influences in creating the work as well as naming it. The picture is called Genuine love. It is about family sticking together and how it makes me a better Man/ Father

Elements of art found in chapters 1,2, and 3

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Genuine Love
Student's Name
Genuine Love
The artwork demonstrates the Genuine Love existing within a family. Through the picture, we can see the emotional bond of togetherness existing in the penguins' family. The form is also beautiful and creates an exquisite aesthetic outlook. It makes the picture impressive. There are well-balanced colors that fit well with the background. In terms of content, the black and white colors can symbolize the sad and peaceful moments that a family has to endure. However, the main theme depicted is unity and Genuine Love as the parents care for their young ones. Therefore, as we can see, the artwork is a commentary of the kind of love that genuine families have. In spite of the challenges or differences that people have, th...
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