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Five Works of Art That Engage With Notions of Power

Essay Instructions:

Thematic essays require you choose at least five images and discuss the ways in which they engage with one of the issues we explore in our lectures. 

This type of writing exercise does not call for outside research - do not consult any websites, articles, or books without my expressed approval. These essays are opportunities to demonstrate what you’ve learned from our class lectures. You should consult your class notes. You are welcome to exchange ideas with your classmates. You are also welcome to discuss your essay with me prior to the due date. My only stipulation is that the document you submit needs to be your own work. 

The specifics of each individual essay assignment can be found below. But there are few general requirements worth mentioning at this point.

These essays are formal pieces of writing. So write clearly. Include a title, an introduction, and a conclusion. Be sure to proofread your essay before you turn it in. 

There are no length or formatting requirements for these essays. Quality is what counts. But a word to the wise: your discussion should aim for depth of analysis—you goal is to link precise visual observations to the principal concerns the people who produced the art-object in question, all while focusing on the theme of the essay itself. This is difficult to achieve without sufficient length. 

Essay 1 Prompt:

Many of our discussions this term have centered on the relationships between art and different forms of authority. Recently, we’ve studied Alexander the Great—an individual who used art as a way of shaping his public and political identity. We investigated early Greek sculptures, connecting them to notions of wealth and status. We also explored an array of Egyptian works—Ka statues, temple complexes. In these instances, crafted items and build environments carried an aura of divine power.

In essay form, discuss no less than five works of art that engage with notions of power. Carefully analyze each work you select, citing specific instances in which the artist’s choices intersect with the cultural issues you are describing. You are welcome to select any of the art-objects/architectural structures that we studied thus far in class.

We have looked at examples of art from a variety of time periods and cultures, so you should think broadly (that is, think about analyzing works from different cultures or time periods). Be sure to fully identity and date each work you select. Your essay will be evaluated based on your choice of objects, as well as on your discussion of them.

Note: The title of a painting or sculpture is always italicized when written in print. The name of an architectural structure is not italicized.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Art 101
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Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
December 31, 2022
People who view the art of others will write a story or a synopsis of the meaning of the art that they observed since art is an expression of sentiments and emotions. The artist's desired feelings and emotions can be manipulated through art. In this article, the author will list some of the artistic creations that have caught the attention of viewers all across the world, particularly those that exude a sense of authority.
Parthenon (432-447 B.C)
Painting and canvas are not the only forms of art; some fall under the architectural category, which is primarily what the Greeks used to convey a sense of authority. Built-in pure marble without the use of steel to support the posts, the Parthenon is located in Athen at the summit of a cliff that is visible from all parts of the city. The massive structure itself demonstrates the power of the Greeks. The entablature is decorated with plants and gods and goddesses from their culture. The Parthenon is now in ruins, yet even though it is in ruins, the feeling of glory and strength is still perceptible. As the light shines on the white marble, it glows and glimmers, creating a radiance that gives off the impression of holiness and just how powerful the nation of Athens was at the time.
Pyramid of Giza (2500-2600 B.C)
When you look closely at the Pyramid of Giza, which was built in the middle of the desert, you get the impression that you are a very small person in comparison to the enormous size of the building. This building clearly demonstrates the power of the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt; only the most powerful ruler in existence at the time could have gathered that much labor to construct the pyramid. It is stated that the pyramid used to glow like gold when the sun reached it during the day, reflecting the authority of the king in a significant way.
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