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1 pages/≈275 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Robert Mapplethorpe Ken Moody And Robert Sherman

Essay Instructions:

The first part of Implicit Tensions (January 25–July 10, 2019) features highlights from the Guggenheim’s in-depth Mapplethorpe holdings, including early Polaroids, collages, and mixed-media constructions; iconic, classicizing photographs of male and female nudes; floral still lifes; portraits of artists, celebrities, and acquaintances; explicit depictions of New York’s underground S&M scene; and searingly honest self-portraits.

The second part of Implicit Tensions (July 24, 2019–January 5, 2020) will address Mapplethorpe’s complex legacy in the field of contemporary art. A focused selection of his photographs will be on view alongside works by artists in the Guggenheim’s collection, including Rotimi Fani-Kayode, Lyle Ashton Harris, Glenn Ligon, Zanele Muholi, Catherine Opie, and Paul Mpagi Sepuya.

*Extra Credit Option- Visit the exhibition and write a 1-2 page reflection.

the artist I pick: Robert Mapplethorpe

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Robert Mapplethorpe
The society might be immoral and full, of immoral people, however, the same society does not want to be reminded of how immoral they are and to what extent have they pushed the limits. Artists have several ways of expressing their feelings and opinions for Robert Mapplethorpe it is no different. He is observed as one of those artists who does not hold back and will go at great lengths to express their opinions the best way they know how. As the community is more aware today that a decade ago there is a huge debate on visual arts and pornography or sexual related themes. Reading about him, he admits that his work pays homage to desire and he was sexually stimulated while developing male art. He describes his work as pornography in art and ensures that his pieces are sexually stimu...
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