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Execution of Emperor Maximilian & Battle of Hastings, Bayeux Tapestry

Essay Instructions:

In essay format, answer the following:

1. In chapters 4.7 and 4.8 and in the videos you are provided examples of how art is utilized as a means of expression during times of war and as a form of social or political protest. Find one (1) specific artwork referenced in the video “Conflict and Resistance” and one (1) specific artwork in the assigned textbook chapters. The chosen works should be examples that you feel are persuasive in conveying a message AND/OR ones that you believe were less successful. Compose a short essay which compares the selected works, using the following questions to help guide your response:

  1. Identify the artworks chosen (artist, title, medium and date).
  2. What messages do the works seek to convey? In your discussion, you must include pertinent contextual information such as the period of art and historical context in which the particular artworks were made.
  3. Include a discussion of how each artwork's materials (medium) affects the message and reception.
  4. Compare the artworks. What elements cause the works to be either successfully and/or unsuccessfully powerful or persuasive? Consider elements such as subject matter, aesthetic choices, composition, etc. Be specific and use visual and contextual evidence to support your position.
  5. Finally, do you believe artists have a role or responsibility in times of conflict or violence? Explain your position using supporting details and examples.

□     Word count: 500 words minimum. You may exceed this minimum requirement. Include a word count at the bottom of your essay. You are expected to submit a fully complete essay, with a clearly developed introduction and conclusion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Art and Society
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1 Detail of the Battle of Hastings, Bayeux Tapestry, c. 1066–82. Linen with wool, 275' long. Bayeux Tapestry Museum, Bayeux, France
2 The Execution of Emperor Maximilian (1867), oil on canvas, 195.9 x 259.7 cm
The Bayeux Tapestry is art about a war whose creation date is around 1070 because it was created during the Norman defeat of the Anglo-Saxons. The 20-century evidence points to Odo as the patron of the art, which was created using a hand-woven fabric of silk or wool with a symbolic design. Odo was the Bishop of Bayeux and half-brother to William, the Duke of Normandy. Another evident pointing to Odo's patronage of the art is that it depicts Normans and events that led to the battle at Hasting, which prevented Norman's point of view. Odo also appears in several scenes in the 275 feet long tapestry (Milner, 2000). On the other hand, The Execution of Emperor Maximilian is a piece of art created by Édouard Manet in 1689. It is an oil painting of emperor Maximilian's execution by a firing squad of Benito Juárez's army at Querétaro, north of Mexico City, on June 19, 1867 (Annenberg Learner, 2020). The French government abandoned Emperor Maximilian after crowing and sending him to Mexico.
The Bayeux Tapestry scene presents the peak of the battle of Hastings. The scene depicts military tactics used in the Norman conquest. It also shows the visual evidence of the war gear won in the 11th century. The soldiers riding the horses are depicted wearing mail shorts and conical helmets containing protecting nose plates and carrying spears and shields. The soldiers on foot have axes and spears. The scene shows how war can be brutal. The soldiers are armored, while the horses, who are heavily present on the battlefield, are not armored. Wounded or dead, other soldiers lie on the ground as seen in the scene.
The Execution of Empero...
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