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Development of Instrumental Music in the 18th Century and the Genre of Messiah

Essay Instructions:

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Please answer the questions below, and place your answer directly under each question.  Type in a different colour/font 

Please use musical terminology when responding to the questions.  Marks will be deducted for not using proper terms. 

You may save this test and work on it; it is not timed 

You must do your own work.  Asking your peers for assistance is a form of Academic Misconduct.

It must be submitted to Assessment—Assignments—Listening Test 2 folder no later than Fri, April 16th (11:59pm)

 *Remember to put your name on your document. Save as a .docx or .pdf file with the following file name: 


Question 1:  Go back through the Module material on Corelli, Vivaldi, & Bach—Modules 9, 10 & 11 (30 marks) 

a) Write a summary of the development of instrumental music in the 18th century focusing on the work of Corelli, Vivaldi, & Bach.  I recommend that you take notes as you read the Module information.

b)  Listen to the following pieces by Corelli, Vivaldi, and Bach.  Discuss how these pieces are representative of their compositional styles.

La Foila for violin and piano (A. Corelli): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BECZDIuqEvA

L’inverno, Concerto No. 4 in F Minor (A. Vivaldi) :


Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G (J.S. Bach):


Question 2:  Go back through the Module Material on Handel—Module 12 (10 marks)

a)      Conduct a musical analysis of the following aria using The Checklist of Musical Characteristics.

b)      Discuss how this aria is representative of Handel’s compositional style for opera.

Rinaldo by Handel (58:42-1:03:15)


Question 3:  Handel’s Messiah (10 marks)

The following excerpt is from Messiah by Handel.  It is the beginning of the annunciation to the shepherds of the coming of Jesus found in “The Nativity”


a)      What is the genre of “Messiah”?

b)      Although Handel had by this time given up opera, he still makes use of theatricality in his writing.  In the sequence above, how has Handel created mood to suit this episode in “Messiah”?

c)      How has Handel used the orchestral writing to reflect the meaning of the text being sung?  Hint: there is program writing involved.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
a) Write a summary of the development of instrumental music in the 18th century focusing on the work of Corelli, Vivaldi, & Bach. I recommend that you take notes as you read the Module information.
The instrumental music in 18th-century music focused on melodic discourse and emphasis on purely instrumental music. The theme revolved around a single well-formed melody and accompanied by chords. In instrumental music, the performers and composers who had a deep knowledge of the instruments and Corelli focused on tangible emotional expression in his music. Instrumental music consisted of several movements accompanied by various instruments and changes in the mood based on the instrument. The instrumental composers first simplified the complicated melodic lines of Renaissance polyphony and focused on homophony. Then later, Bach adopted polyphony and concentrate on the strength of the text.
b) Listen to the following pieces by Corelli, Vivaldi, and Bach. Discuss how these pieces are representative of their compositional styles.
La Foila for violin and piano (A. Corelli): /watch?v=BECZDIuqEvA
L’inverno, Concerto No. 4 in F Minor (A. Vivaldi) :
Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G (J.S. Bach):
Corelli’s piece is for violin and piano, and he introduced a style of execution with violin playing that influenced the development of chamber music style and form. In L’inverno, Concerto No. 4 in F Minor, there are three movements with the slow movement between two faster movements). Vivaldi’s Baroque strings focused on the violinist introducing lead parts of the music. Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G combines various instruments, including two flutes, violin, and strings. Simultaneously, there is a continuo in the music with the instruments being used in the movements. Bach focuses more on polyphony and harmonies, while Vivaldi emphasized the melody.
Question 2: Go back through the Module Material on Handel—Module 12 (10 marks)
* Conduct a musical analysis of the following aria using The Checklist of Musical Characteristics.
Rinaldo is a Baroque opera in three acts that combines theater and music, and Handel composed the ...
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