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AHI 101: Ch. Burchfield Grain Elevators Painting Analysis

Essay Instructions:

AHI 101 Paper Assignment

See Syllabus for due date


In this class we have discussed how to approach a work of art with an eye for

understanding it This assignment is designed to have you use these lessons by analyzing an

original work of art. You assignment is to go to an art gallery, locally or elsewhere, to choose a

work of art, to describe it, analyze the style, and interpret its content. In Buffalo, we suggest the

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, the Burchfield-Penny, or you may choose other museums or galleries

in Buffalo. Additionally, you may choose a museum in another city, but please discuss this with

your section leader. You must see the original work of art in person for this assignment to be

accepted. You are free to choose a work of art from any time period, but that given this is an

introductory exercise, you will probably find it easier to work with a representational work rather

than an abstract one.


You should begin your paper by identifying the artwork as to its title, subject matter,

artist, date, medium, and place of origin. You may want to say why you chose that particular work. Next, describe the piece in great detail. Write your physical description as if you were describing the work to someone who has not seen it. Describe the basic appearance of the work, identifying the various things that you see and how they relate to one another. Then, analyze the style of the work of art, in relation to the elements of style we discussed in the first recitation. Some elements will be more prominent than others, so make sure to describe these in detail and

consider how these elements affect the viewer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Charles’s Burchfield Grain Elevators Painting Analysis
Institution of Affiliation
Charles’s Burchfield grain elevators painting analysis
Grain elevators is one of the main artwork done by Charles Burchfield in the period 1931-1938. The art was made of oil on canvas mounted on the board. For so long, the art has been in the Burchfield Penny Art Center. It was given to the Burchfield Foundation as an honor to Charles in the year 1974. The art’s dimensions are 40 by 66 inches CITATION Gob09 \l 1033 (Gober & Burlingham, 2009). The artist, Charles was considered to be one of the greatest landscape painters of the early and mid-20th century. Besides his painting career, he was also considered to be one of the excellent photographers. Being a good artisan, Charles was able to present his ideas affecting the society and landscape conservation practices. Grain Elevators is considered to be a beginning of the revolutionary as Charles started using paint oils as compared to the previous paintings. It made the paintings more perfect and clearly communicated the intended purpose to the intended audience.[Gober, R. & Burlingham, C., 2009. Heat waves in a swamp: the paintings of Charles Burchfield.. Los Angeles: Hammer Museum..]
The painting is well illuminated whereby different scenarios can be clearly observed from the colors which resemble the real landscape and present the real conditions. The painting is professionally done making the grain elevators appear to have been running for long besides their condition. In this particular painting, Grain Elevators, the objects are well distributed CITATION Had09 \l 1033 (Haddad, 2009). Objects are clear to distinguish making it easy to observe activities within the photograph. Moreover, the size of the painting is considered to be appropriate. The 40 by 60 inches is a very decent size which anyone can clearly visualize the different objects within the painting. In the Burchfield Penny Art Center, the painting is stuck to a white wall which makes it easy to read the painting objects.
The coloring has been well done to post the clear identity of the painting from the others. The use of the oil paints makes the texture of the painting smooth as compared to water painting which was being used to paint previously. It gives the paint a look which appears to be as real as the real landscape could be. The asymmetrical nature of the picture also allows a wide view of the painting giving a bigger view horizontally than the vertical view. The painting is well cropped to capture all of the objects which matter and communicate specific information about the painting. Also, the painting is well lit to achieve contrast of the different obscure objects such as the smoke from the Grain Elevators.
Food hygiene is essential to human health. Moreover, the environment we are living in should always be preserved to make sure that the world is a better place to live especially during the period of the First and Second World War. From Charles’s painting, Grain Elevators, there are several assertions which he intended to make. Besides exploiting his talent and capabilities in painting and photography, he made sure that his images were of positive influence to the society. From some of his great works he points out significant issues which are affecting the society either positively or negatively. For this case, Grain Elevators is also an illumination of such issues....
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