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2 pages/≈550 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Relationship of Art in Culture and History

Essay Instructions:

For this assignment, you are to write an analysis of a work of art made by one of the artists covered in Module 3: Lecture 3. The artists to choose from are: Amalia Ulman, Cory Arcangel, Hennessy Youngman, Jayson Musson, Paul Pfeiffer, Bill Viola, Ryan Trecartin & Lizzie Fitch, James Duesing, Hilary Harp, Suzie Silver.

Hennessy Youngman: https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=vVFasyCvEOg



The goal of a critical analysis is to help your reader/audience to gain insights into a work of art AND new ways of thinking about it that they otherwise might not have discovered on their own. The purpose of this assignment is for you to present an analysis that starts with a visual description of the work. This description, however, should quickly lead to a discussion of the artist's technique, an interpretation of the work's meaning or intention, and an evaluation of the work.

Assignment Guidelines:

  1. Select one work of contemporary art that has been made by one of the artists covered in Lecture 3.
  2. Begin with a visual description of the work.
  3. What is the title of the piece? Who made it? What year was it made? What is the medium of the work (video, animation, Instagram post, Youtube video, etc.)? What does the work look like? Where does the work exist? How does the work operate or function? Please visually describe the work fully. Be detailed in this task prior to moving on to item #3.
  4. Interpret what the work means.
  5. What is the work’s concept or significance or goal? You may start with what the artist intended (if that knowledge is known or stated) and move toward what you think the work means. If the artist's intent is not known, describe what you think the work means solely.
  6. Next, deepen your argument--what do you think the work means?
  7. Use at least two or more of the following perspectives in bold below to form your answer. In other words, how is the artwork historically significant? How is it culturally significant? Socially significant? And/or politically significant?
  8. Historical significance: When was the work created? What was happening in the world at that time? Are there specific events or actions that contributed to the work's conception?
  9. Cultural significance: What is the meaning of the work? How is the "meaning" of the work affected by the values, beliefs, customs, ideas of the culture in which the work was created?
  10. Social significance: How is the work valued or used by contemporary society? Does the artwork address particular social groups? Does the work address or explore particular social issues related to race, ethnicity, gender, etc?
  11. Political significance: Is the work making a political statement? If so, what political issue does the work address? Does the manner in which audiences experience the work frame the work in a political context or purpose? Is the political significance of the work a deliberate action of the artist or accidental by virtue of exhibition, changing events, etc.?
  12. The final part of your essay should provide your reader with a conclusion that summarizes the perceived impact of the work of art (the evaluation).
  13. Embed an image of the work you discussed within your essay or provide a working URL where the work may be viewed online. Add an appropriate citation to your Works Cited page.

Technical Requirements:

  1. Your response to this assignment must contain between 500 - 650 words to receive top marks with a maximum of 700 words in length (not including bibliography).
  2. Your response must be conceptually polished and fully edited when submitted as a finished product.
  3. Your response must be submitted to its assigned CANVAS assignment box by the due date and time assigned for this assignment.
  4. All research sources used must be fully and accurately documented using the citation standards of the Modern Language Association (MLA). See Writing Guidelines and Student Sample Paper for more information.
  5. Your response must be formatted in a readable typeface (e. g., Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica) and saved as a DOC/DOCX (Microsoft word) file. No other file formats will be accepted for evaluation. Double-spaced, 12 pt. font size, 1-inch margins on all sides, and only one space after periods or other punctuation marks.
  6. Provide a title for all written assignments for modules 1-6 and for the final paper.
  7. When submitting your response to the CANVAS assignment box, please label your file "FIRST NAME LAST NAME ASSIGNMENT #". For example, "Sidney Mullis Assignment 3".
  8. Successful participation in this module exercise will demonstrate the student's ability to:
  9. Identify and analyze this recorded lecture as well as perform self-direct research to relay an understanding of contemporary art themes, practices, artworks and art terminology.
  10. Identify and analyze this recorded lecture as well as perform self-directed research to relay an understanding of historical, cultural, social and political events that implicate contemporary culture.
  11. Define, apply, and convey his / her understandings of and opinions about contemporary art in discipline-specific written conventions.

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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Visual Art Analysis
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Subject and Section
Professor's Name
Understanding the relationship between art pieces and the cultural and historical context they are made is essential for any viewer. It allows him to understand the reason for the piece and gain a deeper appreciation of the underlying motivation that led to its creation. In this article, the author would like to focus on Hennessy Youngman's (2011) digital art entitled ART THOUGHTZ: How to Make an Art. Specifically, the subsequent sections would provide both visual and contextual analysis of the art itself and the message that the creator is trying to make. All in all, the author believes that Youngman's digital art elicits a rhetorical appeal by using humor in its delivery.
Art and its Contemporary Usage
As stated earlier, the art analyzed in this article was a digital art created by Youngman in 2011, entitled ART THOUGHTZ: How to Make an Art. This digital art is one that is made through video and is presented to its audience through YouTube.com. Based on its visual value, it could easily be seen that the art lasts for 3:33 and is captured using an old camera phone that helps produce grainy quality and texture. The narrator (Youngman) wears a colorful suit, a cartoon-inspired hat, and a big necklace while sitting in a posed position in his own chair, which resembles the United States' hip-hop culture.
In line with these visual aspects of the video, the author believes that the art's whole point is to elicit a message. That is, that "anything can become an art." First, this analysis could be gleaned from the same message presented by the narrator itself. As evident from the video, the statement revolves around the idea that skills and talents are already an...
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