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4 pages/≈1100 words
Visual & Performing Arts
English (U.S.)
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Analysis of A Visual Artwork: Story, Specific Element, and Meaning

Essay Instructions:

Type your responses directly on this worksheet where you see GREEN TEXT:

Write your name:


This worksheet is designed to teach you the critical skills you need for analyzing a visual artwork. Follow the steps in this worksheet carefully to organize your thinking. This assignment is worth 100 points. Use the checklists throughout to be sure you meet all requirements.

In Step 1, you will tell a story about the work or tell what the work means to you in some way. If you are allowed to take pictures in the exhibition space, include a picture of the work in this assignment.

In Step 2, you will re-examine the art work in more detail. Connect specific elements of the artwork to your story and tell how the artist made them more or less important in the work.

In Step 3, you will go beyond what the work means to you and judge the work. How is it art and how does it make sense to you?

The combination of these three steps is a strategy for writing about visual art in your own words.

REMEMBER: late assignments will not receive on-time points AND you will lose additional points as follows:

1 day late:     -20%

2 days late: -40%

3 days late: -60%

4 days late: -100%

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Step 1.a.

If you are allowed to take pictures of the artworks, insert an image no larger than 5 inches high or wide. If cannot take a picture of the artwork, please explain this.

Tell your story about the work:

Enter into the piece and tell what you think is going on.

Remember to describe the parts of the artwork that tie to the story.

Growing up as a transgender person can really lead to a boggling life, particularly in school where students are curious about their gender. Fisch was born like any other child, but her mother realized that she had both sexes (male and female). She attended her primary school at Philadelphia catholic school. She alludes that she faced many challenges as students were curious about her real gender. When visiting the washrooms, students were curious to see if she would visit the ladies' or males toilets. She faced challenges before accepting her real identity. At the age of 14, she alluded that she felt strongly to identify with the male gender compared to the female. Medical Operations were done to her, and she healed well to become a man. Fisch is now married with two sons and a daughter. We Are Universal is an artwork done by the mural celebrating Philadelphians from the Trans, gender non-conforming, and non-binary communities. The mural is created by artist Kah Yangni featuring texts created via a workshop with Morris Home residents. The writings engraved in the image depict a language of unity and a celebration of diversity. "We're Trans, we're survivors, joyful, universal, and we feel rage" is clearly seen in the image. The artist is championing the rights of transgender people and that they are universal. This means that they can do anything from artwork to professional roles effectively.

These writings are meant to identify the transgender community living in Morris Home Residential, Philadelphia. The images engraved in the artwork depict a man wearing a cape and a lady. This is a clear indication that both men and women are subjects to the issue of transgender and that no one should feel inferior. Both of them showcase beautiful smiles, and they seem to be okay. These two are transgender, and they have accepted the way they were born. As one of the largest areas with transgender identity, Philadelphia residents have accepted them in their society. The flowers in the artwork also symbolize the beauty of life when one accepts themself as universal and transgender. The sun depicts that there is life and that being transgender is not the end of life. 

A clear look at the lady depicts her being happy doing an activity while the man appears to be relaxed. It indicates that they are both happy with the kind of life they are leading.

Step 1.b.

Make a brief statement of how your story relates to the piece:

How does telling a story help you understand artwork?

Do you think other viewers would make a similar story or is yours different?

My story is directly related to the artwork in that it depicts a young person born as a transgender person who later accepted their gender and ended up living a normal life. Fisch was accepted in the community as a transgender person and attended school with other children who were not trans. In addition, he studied to be a teacher, married and lived a normal life. Telling the story made the image more vivid in my mind, and hence understood the artwork well. Additionally, when telling the story, I could relate with the engraved images in the artwork, which correlate well with the story. The artwork acted as a blueprint for my story to become clearer.

Other viewers may or not make a similar story like mine. It depends on the region where one was brought up. Some regions do not appreciate transgender people, and hence a person from the regions would not tell a story like mine. However, a person who has lived in the transgender community will likely tell a story related to mine. This is because they have the experience and can acclimate and identify with these people. For those outside transgender communities, telling stories about transgender will not quite be easy as they in the first place, do not know who transgender people are. Besides, animals born as transgender are rare to find similar to transgender identities.

Step 1.c.

Tell the title of your story: Conquering Transgender Challenges


Your work for Step 1 will be evaluated with this rubric:

30 POINTS: States a clear, plausible narrative/story that relates to the work, distinguishing fact from opinion.


For Step 2.a and 2.b, you will analyze the artwork, focusing on literally what you see.

Step 2.a.


Answer these questions:

  1. 1.   In what year was the work created?

September 28, 2021

  1. 2.   Who is the Artist

Kah Yangni

  1. 3.   What is the title of the work?

"We Are Universal"

  1. 4.   Where is the work exhibited?

Cake Life Bake Shop Neighboring Fishtown / Kensington

Now, think about the questions, below, and write sentences identifying 10 elements in the work (objects, colors, light, dark, textures, etc.).

If you need a way to get started, study the work and think through what you wrote for Step One. Find specific elements of the work and tell how the technical effects led you to your story.

Think of different or familiar objects that you could refer to for comparison.

Be very specific in your descriptions of basic colors and shapes. For example, instead of just "green," write "lima bean gree...

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