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Analysis Of The Last Judgment - Paul III Artworks

Essay Instructions:

Choose your favorite artwork from the list of the larger Online- Museums and accomplish the following Visual Analysis.

(Word document 7-9 paragraphs; include a detailed introduction of your chosen Museum, Artist, Art Movement, Work of Art, Personal Opinion, and Public Opinion with some Museum (interior/exterior) and artwork images, at least three different references; writing/citation in APA or MLA style)

Identifying the Basics

1. What is the object? (painting, drawing, print, sculpture, etc.)
2. Record the artist and title.
3. What is the medium?
4. Identify the subject matter.
5. When and where was it made?

Looking at the Formal Elements

1. Describe the use of line and texture.
2. Discuss color and value.
3. Describe the use of shapes and space.
4. What is the relationship between unity and variety?
5. Describe the use of motion and rhythm.
6. Describe the use of balance and proportion.

Thinking About the Cultural Context

1. Identify the content and central theme.
2. What is the style period?
3. Identify symbols, objects, people, places which reflect the cultural context.
4. What cultural concepts are expressed?
5. Discuss the object’s original and current usage.
6. Compare the object with similar art forms.

Considering the Expressive Qualities

1. Describe the object’s ability to convey emotions.
2. Does the object express ideas of present or past societies? If so, how?
3. What is your overall assessment of the work?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Analysis of the last judgement Student’s name Institution Course Date Analysis of the last judgment The Last Judgment, was among Paul III earliest- commissioned artworks on his election to the papacy in 1534.His inspiration was the state of the church he inherited. The church was in crisis and the memory of the sack of Rome was still fresh in people’s minds. Pope Paul III wished to tackle the abuses and reform the church. To affirm the legitimacy of The Catholic Church and its orthodox doctrines, he chose to use visual arts to push that agenda. That led to the commissioning of the last judgment. Michelangelo was charged with repainting the altar wall. In the 16th century, he was famed for his completion of the drawing on the chapel’s ceiling in 1512. He had mastery in portraying human figures, specifically the male nude. Paul III knew painting the last judgment was a perfect subject for him, especially with its focus on the resurrection. Created in 1534 on the altar wall of The Sistine Chapel, this art encapsulates salvation. This paper seeks to dissect the finer details of the art and bring them into perspective. Formal elements. By having a close examination of the art, you cannot see any noticeable movement, however, at the center, there is some movement radiating outwards. There is a continuous depiction of humans,angels and demons and the colors are blending. The paint has a variety of figures.There are humans, angels, dead people,demons and Christ.The piece has the same rhythm,throughout the paint there is the use of human-shaped figures with are unique to each other. All through the piece, there is unity, this can be proven with colors and parts matching the rest and flowing along each other. The depiction of Christ at the center shows its emphasis.The art also is symmetrically balanced.Items on the left and right s...
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