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2 pages/≈550 words
Accounting, Finance, SPSS
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Whistle While You Work

Essay Instructions:

1.Assuming you begin your career in public accounting, how appealing would it be to you to go and work for a small, but growing, company like this and be in charge of accounting? What are the potential rewards? What are the downsides? Would it bother you if the owners lacked much accounting knowledge as is the case with Jackie's bosses?

2. Many of you will go into public accounting. One thing to prepare for is the likelihood that a controller or accounting manager may give you the "run-around" when you're asking questions. How will you know whether they are doing this to you? And how might you handle it?

3. Jackie makes a point about how education focuses on the perpetrators as a scare tactic. Instead, she recommends giving students the tools to do the right thing while maintaining your job. What are some things that you would like for accounting/ethics professors to do to help you prepare for these situations?

4. If you could write a letter to Jackie, what would you ask her? Please list 2 or 3 questions you might have asked her based on the case.

5. Why do you think people decide not to whistleblow? Provide some suggestions as to how companies can encourage employees to do the right thing (even if fraud is present in management).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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1 I believe that working in a managerial position in accountings for a small but growing business is quite appealing as it provides a lot of opportunities such as the chance to better my leadership skills; having very few subordinates will allow me to gain the experience I need to manage a larger team gradually. Moreover, there will be less pressure as I start my jobs which will allow me time to adjust and build a stronger relationship with my subordinates. Lastly, working for a growing company allows the opportunity to advance further and presents different prospects. On the other hand, this may also limit my growth as there may not be many opportunities for career-building. Yes, it is upsetting that managers do not have adequate accounting knowledge. It may pose many difficulties when it comes to handling and using the company information to make decisions.
2 Signs that a manager or controller is giving me the run-around includes the inability to answer my questions, or they may not answer the questions straight forward; instead, they will beat around the bush and circle before a conclusive answer is given. Also, body language can play a part in illustrating if I'm being given the run-around, for example, a lack of attention, the manager, could show disinterest in speaking or listening, and that can be visible. To deal with his, I would need to appeal to his interest by adding value to the situation. Next, I will also keep the questions brief and straight to the point to save time, and lastly, I could get them to agree to a scheduled meet...
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