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Proposition 17: Restores Right to Vote After Completion of Prison Term

Essay Instructions:

Part I Summary: Read through the proposition or measure in its entirety and perform a search of the proposition on the internet. Based on your supported findings, describe in your own words what this measure is proposing to change. What would a “yes” vote mean? What would a “no” vote mean?

Part II Oppositions: Do a thorough search of your proposition and identify arguments that are in favor of this measure, and arguments that are against this measure. You should have at least two outside sources that support your findings for a yes argument, and at least two outside sources that support your findings for a no argument. Identify at least one interest group that supports a ‘yes’ vote, and one interest group that supports a ‘no’ vote. Fully explain their support of the measure and make sure to cite your sources. Once you have done your research, describe (in your own words) the major arguments in favor of the proposition/measure and major arguments against the proposition/measure.

Part III Fiscal Impact: Consider the financial impact of this proposition and relate this to material that we have covered in class. If this proposition were to be passed, what is the financial impact for the city or the state? How are they planning on funding the proposition/measure or how much is it going to cost them? Where will the money go or come from? What are the social or environmental impacts? Make sure to cite any outside articles you find. If you conclude your proposition does not have a fiscal impact (which can happen), explain how you came to that conclusion and any other important aspects of the measure that you found in your research.

Part IV Personal View: Based on your educated opinion, how would you vote for this proposition/measure? Why? Be sure to support your opinion and explain why you think it is a good or bad idea. Did your research of this proposition cause you to change your opinion from the beginning of the semester? Why or why not? Do you feel the proposition/measure is written in a way for a common citizen to fully understand what they are voting on? Explain. How would you change the proposition/measure to improve it?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Proposition 17: Restores Right to Vote after Completion of Prison Term. Legislative Constitution Amendment
Student’s Name:
Part I
Proposition 17 looks to restore voting rights to incarcerated individuals after completing their prison term. One of the rights stripped away from the incarcerated individual is the right to vote, which is restored under different terms based on the laws of the land. Therefore, the proposition looks to involve individuals on parole in registering and voting as well as participating in the elections (Shineman, 2018). In regards to this proposition, a YES vote will mean that it supports the constitutional amendment, which will allow people on parole to register and participate in elections. On the other hand, A NO vote will mean that the constitutional amendment has been rejected, therefore, continuing to prohibit people on parole from voting. The voting is done by the general public, where the decision of the majority is implemented.
Part II
Constitution amendments are always characterized by opposers and proposers. In the case of proposition 17, there are arguments that favor the amendment and those that are against its amendment. Some of the arguments in favor of the amendment state that after completion of their sentences, people should reenter society and have a say in a community, and this is achieved through voting (Wood, 2008). Another argument in support states that 19 other states practice the same, and so should be the remaining take part (Kiefer, 2019). On the opposing side, arguments state that parole is used to prove rehabilitation before restoration of full liberty, including voting (BallotPedia, 2020). Another argument against the amendment indicates that allowing people on parole to vote can add pain and suffering to the victims of the crime perpetrated by the person as they will appear to be equal (Alpert, 2020). The proponents of the amendment include an advocacy group called Initiate Justice which championed the law change. Opposition was cited from some state Republicans arguing about the incomplete serving of sentence.
Part III
The amendment to the constitution is expected to have a fiscal im...
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