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Powell's Statement Regarding the FOMC Monetary Policy Decisions

Essay Instructions:

(This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade.)
(This assignment is designed to be completed during the class session, and in place of meeting for regular lecture. However, you may do the assignment anytime that is most convenient for you.)
1. Watch the press conference of the March 20 FOMC meeting and/or read the transcript, both posted to LMS under “Assignment: FOMC Meeting”.
2. Write a 2 page essay (double spaced, 11 pt. font, one inch margins) to include the following content:
a. Summarize what Chair Powell states with regards to monetary policy decisions made by the FOMC during this most recent meeting.
b. Apply some of the course material to help understand Powell’s statement (ie. think of the federal funds market, the dual mandate, the model of AD/AS).
c. Listen to (or read) the Q&A session that takes place after Powell’s 10 minute talk. Pick two questions you find most interesting and write about the questions and Powell’s answers in your essay.
3. Submit the completed essay in LMS

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Money and Banking
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Money and Banking
Powell states that the monetary policy tools have helped keep the economy of the United States in a good position and that he and his colleagues will continue using the policies in order to keep the economy in a better position. In his speech Powell says that the wages of the employed is in good shape and unemployment is almost something of the past this is thanks to the monetary policy. The chair says that input from the market has permitted them to stand by and make changes accordingly. This is because there has been small or little growth currently from September 2018 with an increase of 2.5 %. Growth was witnessed in payrolls in January but in February the growth was very small.
These issues along with unresolved monetary policy issues pose great peril to the stance. The committee made projections of the years growth which are estimated to be slow with unemployment remaining at 4%, inflation levels 2% and oil prices decline at 2%. The dual mandate of the FOMC is to maximize employment and stabilize prices which according to the Chairman’s speech has not been attained yet as the employment rate remains at 4% and oil prices are declining.
Federal funds to a distinct kind of money that is borrowed or lend of the deposits in the federal reserves at a special interest rate. The speech suggested that the federal funds are at an impartial state meanin...
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