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Old and Current Business Model of eBay

Essay Instructions:

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.
Read the case eBay Evolves on pp. 762-765 of your text. Respond to the following.
Part A: List and describe four different types of auctions.
Part B: Contrast eBay’s original business model with its current business model.
Part C: What are the problems that eBay is currently facing? How is eBay trying to solve these problems?
Part D: Are the solutions eBay is seeking to implement good solutions? Why or why not? Are there any other solutions that eBay should consider?
Part E: Who are eBay’s top competitors online, and how will eBay’s strategy help it compete?

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Managerial Finance
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April 27, 2022
Managerial Finance
Part A
There are several types of auctions, the first one being Absolute Auction, Reserve Auction, Minimum Bid Auction, and Sealed Bid Auction. In an Absolute Auction, the highest bidder buys the goods or assets irrespective of price (Hu et al., 2019). Usually, this auction does not require a minimum bid. This ac auction never allows competition of any type by the seller. Also, the seller of the goods is not allowed to withdraw the goods if the auction kicks off.
On the other hand, reserve Auction gives the seller the right to establish a minimum bid. The seller has the right to accept or reject all the bids. In this, the auction becomes without reserve or absolute as soon as the seller determines the price, and the auctioneer is permitted to sell the goods to the highest bidder at the close of the auction.
Minimum Bid Auctions start at a minimum price proven by the seller. Bidding must start at the minimum before making any sale. After that, the auctioneer circulated and publicized the minimum bid at the beginning of bidding on a given asset. The strategy of the Minimum Bid Auction is to help the seller to set the minimum bid, which is low enough to attract buyers because setting a minimum bid too high will disappoint others.
Sealed Bid Auction, in this auction, bidders privately submit their one best offer in writing and in a closed envelope. The bids are opened secretly by the auctioneer and seller, and they do not disclose the bids to anyone. The seller takes one of the following actions. They can accept the maximum bid or reject all bids and request the best bid or the best two of all the bidders or start serious consultations with all the bidders identified.
Part B
eBay is an international online platform where people buy and sell different items. For example, eBay sells cars, electronics, and clothes, among others. eBay is an e-commerce corporation, and through its website, it facilitates consumer-to-consumer and business-to-consumer sales (Bland et al., 2022). Sellers pay a fee for their listings to be made on the website. An additional fee is also charged when the sellers sell their goods. For buyers, it is free to access the website.
Over time eBay has improved. Initially, eBay was using an auction-based model before later adjusting to a fixed-price model. The fixed price model protects the seller’s interests when bids go below the reserve price compared to the auction model, whereby auctioneers determine the floor price and eradicates the maximum price (Brooks, 2019). The fixed price model saves more time than the auction-based model because the prices are fixed, and buyers purchase their products without having to wait until the highest bidder is determined, as practiced in the auction-based model (Afuah, 2014). The fixed price model is easier than the auction-based model. This is because all prices of products are already set, and it is just a matter of purchasing compared to the auction-based, which is complicated because buyers have to wait until the highest bid is made to determine the price of the asset.
Part C
eBay has grown over time and has become successful despite the challenges it faces. Buyer and seller fraud is one of the challenges the company faces (Brooks, 2019). For that reason, the company has committed itself to limiting seller fraud. The company is doing so by authenticating goods that are easily counterfeited, for example, footwear, handbags, and jewelry. The sellers pay for authentication of their goods which helps them increase their appeal to buyers. On the other hand, the buyers also pay for authentication, which will enable them to get a refund of their money if the product purchased turns out to be counterfeit.
As a result of the hacking, millions of eBay’s customers were affected because the information was compromised. This led to huge losses in the company. The company believed that it did not lose some of its financial data on PayPal, which could have affected its sales. As a result, the company has been working hard to remain alert with security measures.
Part D
Shifting sellers who had steered the growth of eBay from an auction-based model to a fixed price model paused a big challenge to the company. The reason was that the fee structure was revised. Rather than showing ending actions first, there was a formula devised that took into account price and sellers' reputations, which led to merchants who are highly rated appearing first, giving them more exposure. Millions w...
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