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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Tesla, Inc: Description, Financial Statements, and Cash Flow Management

Essay Instructions:

The business that was chosen for the Project is Tesla(TSLA). Please see attached documents for the Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement for TESLA which were downloaded from Mergent Online.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Guidelines for Submission

Your journal submission should be a 3- to 4-paragraph Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Any sources should be cited according to APA style. You will also need to submit the Excel files for your chosen business’s balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement from Mergent Online.


Write a brief journal introducing the business you chose for your Project Two assignment.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Business Selection: Provide a description of the business you chose, including the name of the company (TESLA) and what it offers consumers.

Financial Statements: Using Mergent Online, provide a copy of the balance sheet, the income statement, and the cash flow statement for your chosen business from the most recent fiscal quarter.

Financial Statement Role: Explain why financial statements are important to a business and how they help businesses determine their current financial health.

Cash Flow Management: Describe why cash flow management is important to a business and its financial health. Use a recent financial news story as an example to support your claims.

I am sure that you know how to properly cite information obtained from Mergent Online but this is what is expected by my professor.

Also can you please include at least 2 sources other than Mergent Online in the paper?

Citing One Company Profile


Mergent. (n.d.). Ford Motor Company [Company profile]. Retrieved December 7, 2020, from https://www(dot)mergentonline(dot)com/LOGIN.php


(Mergent, n.d.)

Citing Multiple Company Profiles


Mergent. (n.d.-a). Ford Motor Company [Company profile]. Retrieved December 7, 2020, from https://www(dot)mergentonline(dot)com/LOGIN.php

Mergent. (n.d.-b). General Motors Company [Company profile]. Retrieved December 7, 2020, from https://www(dot)mergentonline(dot)com/LOGIN.php


(Mergent, n.d.-a), (Mergent, n.d.-b)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Tesla, Inc.
Tesla, Inc. was founded in 2003 as Tesla Motors, Inc before adopting the name Tesla, Inc. in 2017. Though the newest player in the car manufacturing industry, Tesla has established itself well, emerging as a company revered by many key players in the industry. With Tesla's competitors, who have enjoyed a substantial share in the industry, Tesla was faced with the dilemma of identifying which model to use as it began its operations. In addition, the industry had vital players such as Toyota and Nissan, who had been in operation for decades.
Tesla settled on a unique approach that was later to be the game-changer for the profitable company. The strategy entailed direct sales and services to its clientele. It is this strategy that propelled Tesla to its status today that it dramatically enjoys. The approach ensured that Tesla could interact directly with its clients, to the extent that clients could place customized orders of products they required to their satisfaction. The strategy was cost-effective and ensured that the new company could minimize its production cost and avoided intermediaries that disadvantaged the customer by increasing the cost of the product to sustain themselves. This strategy was instrumental to the company since it was able to understand the needs of its clients. The company was able to get immediate feedback from the consumers and worked on the weakness identified.
Tesla's first product was critical to the success it enjoys today. The product was carefully thought about and was unique in the entire industry. As a result, it arouses its' own demand, with many cars enthusiast craving to acquire it. The demand created by the product ensured Tesla was able to satisfy it since it was the sole provider of the product meant to satisfy the demand created. Upon its success, Tesla embarked on producing various products for its clients that align with its mission to accelerate using sustainable energy. It, therefore, deals with other storage products that enhance the generation of clean energy, as well as solar panels and other solar products (Mergent, n.d.).
The various products Tesla engages in are instrumental in its growth since they generate much revenue for the business firm, as illustrated in the attached financial statements. The attached statements are an extract from Mergent (n.d).
Financial statements are critical in any given organization. They provide an overview of a firm's strength in its resources and finance at its d...
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