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Managerial Accounting for Managers

Essay Instructions:

You are required to write at least 200 words per question in APA format. Make sure to cite at least three sources.
1. a. Managers often assume a strictly linear relationship between cost and the level of activity. Under what conditions would this be a valid or invalid assumption?
b. Only variable costs can be differential costs. Do you agree? Explain.
2. Explain how a shift in the sales mix could result in both a higher break-even point and a lower net operating income.
3. a. Why do companies use predetermined overhead rates rather than actual manufacturing overhead costs to apply overhead to jobs?
b. If a company fully allocates all of its overhead costs to jobs, does this guarantee that a profit will be earned for the period?
4. a. Why aren’t common fixed costs allocated to segments under the contribution approach?
b. How is it possible for a fixed cost that is traceable to a segment to become a common fixed cost if the segment is divided into further segments?
5. When activity-based costing is used, why do manufacturing overhead costs often shift from high-volume products to low-volume products?
6. a. Airlines sometimes offer reduced rates during certain times of the week to members of a businessperson’s family if they accompany him or her on trips. How does the concept of relevant costs enter the decision by the airline to offer reduced rates of this type?
b. From a decision-making point of view, should joint costs be allocated among joint products? Explain why or why not?
7. a. How is the project profitability index computed, and what does it measure?
b. Explain how the cost of capital serves as a screening tool when using (a) the net present value method and (b) the internal rate of return method.

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Managerial Accounting for Managers
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1(a) Managers often assume a strictly linear relationship between cost and the level of activity. Under what conditions would this be a valid or invalid assumption?
Managers make the assumption that there is a direct relationship between cost and the level of activity. This assumption is valid in situations where the kind of cost being considered is the variable cost (Weygandt et al., 2020). The variable costs are directly proportional to the levels of production. Therefore, the higher the production/ level of activity, the higher the variable costs. There are also situations where the above assumption may be invalid. For instance, the assumption may be invalid when the fixed costs are put into consideration. Fixed costs remain fairly constant despite the level of activity. The assumption may also be invalid when considering semi-fixed costs since these remain fairly constant despite the level of activity.
b. Only variable costs can be differential costs. Do you agree? Explain.
I do not agree with the statement that only variable costs can be differential costs. Differential costs are defined as the cost difference between two or more major business decisions. These costs help managers to decide the best viable option when a decision must be made between different options. There are some factors that are used to determine the best option. These include projected revenue, profit, loss among other factors. Differential costs can be categorized into several different types. These include variable costs, fixed costs, or even a combination of these two types. Consequently, it is not true to say that only variable costs can be differential costs. Rather, variable costs can be a type of differential cost.
2. Explain how a shift in the sales mix could result in both a higher break-even point and a lower net operating income.
In a situation where there is a significant shift in the sales mix, both a higher break-even point and lower net operating income could result. Following is an explanation of this could occur. When the sales mix shift so that it results in low contribution margin from high contribution margin products, the average contribution ratio for the company/ firm could potentially decline. Due to the decline, the total contribution margin for the average amount of sales in the business could also decline. Consequently, there would be a significant decline in the net operating income of the company/ business. Further, the break-even point would be elevated since it becomes a necessity to increase the number of sales to achieve the same amount of fixed costs. The above situation becomes a necessity because of the lower contribution margin ratio. The break-even point is generally considered to be the point where the total revenue generated equals the total costs incurred in the process of production. In such a situation, the business makes no profit or loss. The contribution margin ratio, on the other hand, is the difference between the sales made by a business and the variable costs. The ratio is then expressed as a percentage.
3. a. Why do companies use predetermined overhead rates rather than actual manufacturing overhead costs to apply overhead to jobs?
One of the main reasons why predetermined rates are preferred is that it is possible for the managers to save time when it comes to the estimation of job costs. Such predetermined costs help in making the estimates sooner. If the actual manufacturing overhead costs were to be used, the process would be tedious and time-consuming. Without the predetermined overhead costs, companies would have to wait until the end of the month/ accounting period when the appropriate bills are processed. Therefore, it is better to have some well-calculated predetermined overhead rates as they would play a great role in saving both time and costs.
b. If a company fully allocates all of its overhead costs to jobs, does this guarantee that a profit will be earned for the period?
There is no guarantee that allocating all of the overhead costs to jobs will lead to a profit. There are chances that all the units produced may not be sold. It is also possible that the units produced may not be sold at a price that is significant enough to cover all the costs incurred in production. Whereas there is a general belief that assigning costs to products/ jobs automatically leads to profit-making, the real-world application has proved that this belief is not always true. Costs can only be recovered by making appropriate sales to customers, not by allocating overhead costs to jobs.
4. a. Why aren't common fixed costs allocated to segments under the contribution approach?
The main reason why common fixed costs are not allocated to segments under the contribution approach is that they are not traceable. In a situation where common costs were allocated to segments, there would be a consequential overstatement of the cost of segments. Additi...
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