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Letter paraphrasing

Essay Instructions:

I will attach you guys a letter. I just want you to do paraphrasing for this letter. Please make sure that its " Zero " plagiarism. You will see some tables as well, try to make them in a different way.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Dear Sarah,
Receive greeting from my team and I. Foremost, I take this opportunity to thank you for your faith in us to handle your tax returns. Second, I would like to let you know that we have profoundly worked on your tax returns, and we hope you will find our work to be satisfactory. This letter presents a step by step breakdown of your tax return, with the aim of making it easily understandable to you and allows you to make sense of the conclusions we arrived at.
In light of the valuable information you supplied in May 2011, we arrived at four conclusions, from which you are free to choose the one that best meets your needs.
Filing as Head of Household …………………………………….. Amount Owed:$5,028
Married Filing jointly with James …………………………… Amount Owed: $5,050
Married Filing Separately with James …………..………… Amount owed: $11,725
Married Filing Jointly with Sam …………………………. Amount owed: $17,530
The following table is a brief summary of your tax return. The table will show each tax return adjusted gross income, the total income, and total federal tax.
Filing States  Total Income ($)  Total Tax Owed ($)  Total Payments ($)  Head of Household  $77,218 4,466 72752  Jointly with Michel  $77,674  4,474  73,200  Separately with Michel  $78,718  10,403  68,315  Jointly with Henry  $172,218  16,576  155,642 
Personal Information:
Based on the Information you provided to us, you are an independent salesperson, who works for Detroit Car Manufacturing Company, which is considered statutory employee under IRS Publication. That means the $11,125 you were expecting to be withheld from your pay will not be withheld. This is one of the major factors that determine whether you will get a refund from the government. Based on that, you will either be entitled to a refund from the government or you will be expected to pay the government. The amount withheld will be determined on the kind of tax filing that you will choose. The figures hereunder represents the amounts to be withheld based on the varying filing status corresponding.

Filing statusAmount in dollarsHead of Household$6,204Jointly with James$6,075Separately with James($354)Jointly with Sam($6,405)
You should consider finding a higher position in your company so the possibility of you owing taxes can decrease. For example, try to shift from statutory to a common-law employee. Be informed though, that this change can have an impact your legibility for the SEP-IRA that you desire. For more elaborate information regarding this issue, please review the IRS’s publications.
Disposable Income:
Disposable Income is a very critical aspect in taxation that you should know as a taxpayer. Disposable income is the amount of money remaining after the tax is deducted. The amount of money left varies with each filing status. This is because of the different amount of income for each filing status, and the different...
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