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Investment Management: Investment Approaches And Strategies

Essay Instructions:

1)Please be kind to read below my personal requirement for the essay :
- This essay must be NO less than 1925 words
-Please write the essay in a very simple and direct way , so when I will receive it I can understand its content , and if needed I can do some edit. If the assignment is too technical or complex, I cannot understand it and I cannot edit it, as I am not an expert in the field.
- Please design the portfolio in a very basic and simple way so I can understand it , but please do not just write numbers and symbol, but be kind to argument the portfolio and calculation and explain them, so I can understand what you wrote into the portfolio and what you meant by that.
-Please make the assignment also argumentative , do not just write symbols or calculation, try also to explain in simple words the meaning of ( SRI ) as well as Passive and Active Investment strategy, before building portfolio and calculation explain in simple words what they are and please do not use an high technical language otherwise that can make someone suspicious.
-Please provide my assessment in WORD document and NOT IN PDF. 
-Please use at least 3 reliable references which I can put into the essay and for which I will not be marked down. You can use also a company website, or a reliable and famous financial website as reference, that will make my life easier when I ll need to edit it. ( If you'll put academic references from book, and you do not write then in the way my College wants , then I ll have to edit it, but it will be hard to edit it as I ll probably will not have all information to reference the way they want), so please use company website or financial official website, so I can easily access to them and check them.
2) Now that you have my personal requirements for the essay , I ll write you the essay question :
- In recent times there has been some controversy regarding the returns from passive investments strategies , compared with active investment strategies. Similarly there has been an uptake in investing in Social Responsible Investments ( SRI) ,and faith based or environmentally social corporate governance ( ESG) , or Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) and their constituent stock as opposed to all stocks that can include ( sin ) stocks.There has also been some research suggesting that ( SRI) stocks can outperform benchmark index.
-Assume that you have just began working for an ( SRI) Fund , and your Chief Investment Officer (CIO) wants you to spend your first week of employment investigating the returns over at least the last 7 years for a Passive ( SRI) and also for an active ( 10 SRI Stocks and 10 Non SRI Stocks in a portfolio) investment strategies. Assume the annual fees for the passive strategies are 0,25% and fees costs for the active strategies are 0,04% for each buy/sell, round up transactions then do the following steps:
- Design a Passive Strategy , for example and index of the risk free rate and a SRI Stock Market Trading Index on the country of your choice, from at least 30 of Semtember 2010 to to Semtember 2017.Calculate your passive returns each calendar year over the period 30 September 2010 to 30 September 2017.
- Design a diversified portfolio of 20 listed Stocks ( 10 SRI and 10 NON SRI ) in the same country/exchange as the 1 above, and equally-weighted at the beginning ( Example in 30 September 2010) that you will select as of 30 September 2010 and actively trade as of the period 1 October 2010 to 30 September 2017. You can trade any five stocks every quarter, and 20 stocks in a year. Calculate your active returns each year over the period 1 October 2010 to 30 September .
-In your new role after just completing your MBA you will be managing a small active fund , ( FOr example 50 Million $) with the CIO Mentoring you , the CIO realises that the last 7 years period is all past data and you could easily game the data to make active portfolio have a greater return than passive strategy ( Example the risk free rate and SRI index from a country) . Therefore the CIO wants to clearly explain to them why you selected the 10 SRI and 10 non SRI you do. Explain also what are the reason and theory behind what you do, ( For example large, medium , small stocks, value or growth stocks) as they will expect you to carry out similar strategies as manager.
-Explain in an in-depth critical and reflective way the strategies your active portfolio strategy adheres to , and the financial theories your strategies are based on.
-Critically evaluate and compare your results from your active and passive portfolio returns.
-Discuss your analysis based on theory , your results and other empirical research the statements in the case study outline ( Example why an SRI passive portfolio strategy *Example the risk free rate and SRI index * would have would have higher/lower return than active portfolio strategy , based 50% SRI and 50% NON SRI stocks, make any assumption you may use in your case study very clear.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
  Investment Management Name Institution Date      Introduction There are now financial market indices that include stocks and other assets that meet the investors’ sustainability investing needs. Similar to the traditional indicates the risk and performance profile of the companies are analyzed to determine whether the returns are better or worse. Social Responsible Investments (SRI) is associated with making investments that have a positive impact and consistent with the investors’ values, like addressing environmental concerns, economic performance and social concerns (Divine, 2016). The environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) focuses on environmental and social responsibility similar to the Corporate Social Responsible (CSR) companies.   There has been growing interest in impact investing in the form of SRI, ESG or CSR as some investors prefer those that are socially responsible. There will be evaluation of passive and active investment strategies and performance companies with different stock size. Investment approaches and strategies             While the criteria for judging the ESG and SRI companies focuses on whether they do good and are socially responsible the companies in SRI and EFG funds may not necessarily have a positive impact in all aspects. Divine (2016) pointed out that Apple  is one of the most included stocks in such funds, yet there have been concerns about the working conditions of Chinese workers in Foxconn, which is contracted by Apple  where there is unusually high suicide rates in the  organization because of pressure in the working place. Besides choosing the socially responsible companies, there is risk of excessive screening where many stocks are excluded yet the companies are sustainable are sustainable in different areas other than the chose criteria characteristics.   Passive and active investing             While passive investment strategies had higher returns this was because of the choice of stocks in the portfolio (Mackintosh, 2016). Tech stocks have been among the best performing in the past decade.  Unlike many of the first companies to first appear in the S & P 500 index the potential for growth is still present because the companies are innovative. In the cases of the big banks, fortunes have been more positive from the effects of the 2008/2009 global financial downturn. The mid to large cap companies were chosen because of their competitiveness and market shares. The challenge with passive strategies is that only minimal changes are made yet the risk profiles of the individual stocks change.   Even as the aim of investing is to maximize returns, the risk and return tradeoffs are prioritized as the outlook in different industries changes over time.  When adopting more passive strategies it is more likely that index will include both undervalued and overvalue stock, and this can help reduce the risk of losses. Nonetheless, diversification remains the best strategy to minimize risks where different investments are held in a portfolio.   Since the tech companies are client focused they tend to focus on meeting the customers’ needs and even are more open to engage with them. This is valuable even for the fund managers since addressing the different needs of the clients allows them to identify the most effective strategies clients have different goals depending  on their risk appetite, age, money invested and desired outcomes. Since the passive strategy  is a  buy and hold approach, one may miss out when the financial markets are performing well or even ignore the undervalued and cheap stocks whose value fall over time yet they are still valuable (Zigler, 2016).    Even as it appears that passive investing is more risk averse, the results of passive investment had higher returns. the active investment strategy based  included 50% SRI and 50%  non SRI, but since the non SRI  stocks have not been among the best performing stocks in the past decade  this dragged down the performance of active investment . In the past three to four years there have been lo oil and gas prices and this has affected the performance of the energy sector and the U.S. had seen some of the biggest growth with novel methods in fracking improving oil production.  In the passive investment strategy I first assumed that there were no changes in seven year and the dividends were reinvested and calculated the expected value and the annual fees for a $ 100,000 is $250 at 0.25%  
  Passive Strategy  
  Year 1 to 7 Initial investment Final  amounts with dividend reinvestment
Company stock Ann. Return    
Apple Inc. 22.85% 100,000 $422,642.20
Alphabet Inc. 20.51% 100,000 $369,240.27
Microsoft (MSFT) 20.41% 100,000 $367,065.66
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) 14.62% 100,000 $259,979.94
Bank of America Corp. (BAC) 10.81% 100,000 $205,203.48
Procter & Gamble Co. (PG) 9.56% 100,000 $189,503.69
Wells Fargo & Co. (WFC) 14.82% 100,000 $263,233.62
Intel Corp. (INTC) 13.97% 100,000 $249,792.56
UnitedHealth Group (UNH) 29.80% 100,000 $621,336.73
XPO Logistics Inc ( XPO) 66.85% 100,000 $3,605,319.15
     The calculations after the seven years take into consideration dividend reinvestments, where apple, alphabet and Microsoft are the large cap stocks, but there is no selling any of the investments in the seven years. The assumption is that each of the stocks was bought at $ 100,000.  The XPO  logistics stock was the least costly and returns are higher because there are more shares where a small increase in price changes results in higher value.    Active investing  Active investing involves buying and selling investments to make profits over time and the investments are made many times (Mackintosh, 2016). This contrasts with passive investing where there are low investment activities since it is a long term approach focusing on holding the investment.  There is an opportunity to outperform the market since there is emphasis on looking at ways to add value utilizing asset allocation, security allocation and changing the composition of investments in different sectors investors. The case for active management is that there is downside protection since changes are made to minimize losses based on the market conditions. Stock picking is one of the main features of active management and combined with rebalancing the investments,   since active managers’ focus on quantitative and fundamental research to identify companies likely to outperform others over time. There is more flexibility and the active managers wait for an attractive price to buy or sell investments. On the other hand when relying on passive strategies there is less consideration for valuation and the stocks chosen are mostly those available to many people. This is different as active managers can choose stocks in cross markets that are in more than one financial market and they can take up more opportunities.      Even as active management is the more popular, strategy paying high fees yet index funds can perform equally well and better highlights that passive strategies should not be ignored. Active managers tend to hold more cash in portfolios because of dividend incomes and sale of stocks.  Passive investing appears to be effective as the markets tend to be efficient because the security markets adjust to new information well.  The markets adjust well to information, and even as there are anomalies that affect the ability to predict the markets and perform well or better than the index, such anomalies are small relative to the level of transactions. There are both under reaction and overreaction to financial formation and even the predictable patterns on stocks do not necessarily stay for long. Sometimes even when such patterns appear they are associated with risk rather than inefficiencies.  
   Diversified portfolio          
  Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7
10 SRI Returns Returns Returns Returns Returns Returns Returns
Apple Inc- AAPL 34.39% 73.14% -24.23% 45.49% 12.37% 5.37% 38.88%
Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL) -2.04% 47.59% 15.03% 33.94% 8.29% 26.11% 21.16%
Microsoft (MSFT) 4.20% 21.62% 16.40% 43.27% -2.10% 33.44% 32.51%
Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) 6.47% 12.52% 29.53% 26.42% -9.89% 30.07% 13.03%
Bank of America Corp. (BAC) -51.36% 45.26% 54.71% 24.17% -7.51% 1.92% 64.56%
Procter & Gamble Co. (PG) 8.69%
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