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International Business Finance: Modern Market

Essay Instructions:

Please be kind to read below my personal requirement for the essay :

- This essay must be NO less than 2200 words

-Please write the essay in a very simple and direct way, so when I will receive it I can understand its content, and if needed I can do some edit. If the assignment is too technical or complex, I cannot understand it and I cannot edit it, as I am not an expert in the field.

-Please make the assignment also argumentative, do not just write symbols or calculation, but please explain with words and try to argument end to explain the calculations that have been done, so I can also understand what are these calculations for and their meaning.

-Please do not use High Technical language otherwise that can make someone suspicious, but please use simple language to describe the topics.

-Please provide my assessment in WORD document and NOT IN PDF.

-Please use reliable references which I can put into the essay and for which I will not be marked down. You can use also a company website, or a reliable and famous financial website as a reference, that will make my life easier when I ll need to edit it. ( If you'll put academic references from book, and you do not write them in the way my College wants, then I'll have to edit it, but it will be hard to edit it as I'll probably not have all information to reference the way they want), so please use company website or financial official website, so I can easily access them and check them.

-Please write the assignment in the following structure and in the following order: 1) Introduction 2)Body 3) Conclusion 4) References List

- Please be aware that my university portal uses Turnitin for detecting plagiarism so please be very careful when writing things which comes from other sources, as Turnitin will immediately detect them and if it will find some similarity they will make me fail the assignment immediately. That's why I would like the assignment to be quite personal and argumentative.

- Please always use the third person for the assignment and never write in the first person.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
International Business Finance Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation International Business Finance Introduction Every successful business in the modern market have had its ups and down to get there. These challenges continue to pile up on the road to success of a business. Some of the issues that curb influence the success rate of a business originates either from within the business itself or from external factors. Internal factors include the morale of the workers and the short-term decisions that the management makes every day. These small decisions when incorporated together makes the distinction between success and failure (Connolly, 2006). The internal factors are very much within reach of the business managers and can be easily sorted out. External factors, on the other hand, are the ones that are beyond the control of the business but which affects them directly in the everyday activities. They include inflation, government policies and regulations, exchange rates, and competition from other similar businesses in the market. The only option there is past the external factors is to incorporate them into the business system and considering them when making decisions concerning the business (Connolly, 2006). These external factors have a severe damage on a business if not solved as soon as possible in the approved standard way of solving it. Any business that has used unethical means to solve or to be at an advantage point finds itself entangled in legal battles with the business regulatory agencies which have been established by the government to cater for such situations (Connolly, 2006). When a business is operating internationally the challenges increases to another level due to the increased risks that international business poses due to the uncertainties that exist. Business can have any of the crucial forms of its operation being in another country. For instance, a business can have the production in one country and the other operation of administration and marketing are in another country or economic block. If the economic block or the country does not have trade liberalization agreement, the business will be greatly affected due to the influence that the business will experience which to extreme cases causes business closure and complete annihilation. This is because different countries have different laws and regulations that govern and protect their business and which are completely different to another country. This is caused by the difference in the economy that the two countries have. One might be high and the other one low and hence rendering business the art of doing business almost impossible. Tax policies between two countries are one of the hindrances that affect the business between two countries. The issue of double taxation becomes very restricting to the business community. The exchange rate of the currencies greatly influences international business due to the imbalance of the currency. The economic performance in a given country determines the exchange rate that the currencies are going to trade every single day. If there are inequalities in the exchange rates the business sector is affected a lot making hard to conduct business across the international borders (Dunning, 2013). A well established and stable economy makes the currency exchange rate to be stable hence encouraging the businesses across countries because the there is an incentive to conduct long-term business. Exchange rate stability can be achieved by many ways that aim at reducing the economic reliance on one unstable source of income (Dunning, 2013). For instance, a country whose economy over depend on something like agricultural products exports for stability is easily swayed. If in a certain economic period the agricultural production drops due to unfavorable weather condition that has been caused by global warming, the government has no control over the situation and since it is the major contributor to the national economy, an economic nosedive is inevitable. Return On Investment commonly abbreviated as ROI is a standard way of measuring the performance of a business. It takes into consideration the evaluation of the business investments, the performance of the investment and the returns which the investment has brought all in relative to the cost of the investment (Hill, 2008). The ROI is expressed as a percentage or ratio to give the gain of an investment as a function of the cost of that investment. According to Return On Investment – ROI (2018) the formula for ROI is given as follows. ROI= ([value gain of the investment – total investment cost])/ (Cost of the Investment) The value gain of the investment represents the proceeds that selling the investment would bring to the owner. Interest rates are another factor that influences the operation of a business. The government controls the interest rates that the financial institution should use to prevent exploitation of the customers by the banks and other financial institutions. Body The stereos manufacturer, BigS which is involved in a financial situation due to the depreciation of the New Zealand dollar where the company is located. Since the company imports some of the parts that are very crucial to the production line of the company from Canada, the production cost has escalated by 10% due to the lowering of the NZD to the Canadian dollar. As a measure to control the currency exchange rates the New Zealand government made it easy for other foreign stereo manufacturing companies to enter the local market thus offering immense competition to the BigS company. This has made the company to lower the prices of their products in the market which has contributed to 15 percent decrease in the total revenues. The company has in recent years decreased its annual returns on the benefits that its investment brings to the company wealth. This has made the ROI of the company investments to decrease to a current 6 percent. The company also has an eight percent yearly standard deviation of the investment gain due to the changing risks that are associated with the business while there is no concomitant. In the quest of the company to get back on its feet and start working on normal profits margins that the company operates ...
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