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International Business Finance- Pretty Face

Essay Instructions:

1)Please be kind to read below my personal requirement for the essay :

- This essay must be NO less than 3025 words,

-Please write the essay in a very simple and direct way , so when I will receive it I can understand its content , and if needed I can do some edit. If the assignment is too technical or complex, I cannot understand it and I cannot edit it, as I am not an expert in the field.

-Please make the assignment also argumentative , do not just write symbols or calculation, but please explain with words and try to argument end to explain the calculations that have been done, so I can also understand what arethese calculations for and their meaning.

-Please do not use High Technical language otherwise that can make someone suspicious, but please use simple language to describe the topics.

-Please provide my assessment in WORD document and NOT IN PDF.

-Please use reliable references which I can put into the essay and for which I will not be marked down. You can use also a company website, or a reliable and famous financial website as reference, that will make my life easier when I ll need to edit it. ( If you'll put academic references from book, and you do not write then in the way my College wants , then I ll have to edit it, but it will be hard to edit it as I ll probably will not have all information to reference the way they want), so please use company website or financial official website, so I can easily access to them and check them.

-Please write the assignment in the following structure and in the following order : 1) Introduction 2)Body 3) Conclusion 4) References List

- Please be aware that my university portal uses Turnitin for detecting plagiarism so please be very careful when writing things which comes from other sources , as Turnitin will immediately detect them and if it will find some similarity they will make me fail the assignment immediately. That's why I would like the assignment to be quite personal and argumentative.

- Please always use third person for the assignment and never write in the first person.

2 ) Now that you have my personal requirements for the assignment , I will write below the assessment question :


Pretty Face is an American company that produces body care products. Founded in 1948, the company has grown from a small family business to a medium-sized corporation (around 400 employees), with more than 50 stores spread all over the United States. The company is contemplating establishing a subsidiary in Brazil, the first step in becoming a leading brand in South America. The subsidiary will initially operate for a period of five years, with a decision by Pretty Face of whether or not to carry on with the foreign business to be made later on during the project's lifetime. Pretty Face's required rate of return is 8%, and the development of the subsidiary requires an initial investment of BRL$60 million (BRL – Brazilian real – is the country's currency): 60% is to be allocated to the construction of facilities, 30% to the purchase of machines, and 10% to working capital. At this stage, the only product to be marketed in Brazil will be Pretty Face's flagship brand Sunnies, a sunscreen that the company expects to sell at a price of BRL$18 per unit (i.e. to be adjusted annually as per the inflation rate, forecasted at 6% per year), with an estimated demand of 1,400,000 units per year (i.e. assumed to be stable during the project's lifetime). The variable costs associated with the production of the sunscreen are mainly due to labour and materials, amounting to BRL$8 per unit, with fixed costs being mainly overhead expenses of BRL$2,000,000 per year. The only factor causing future changes in both variable and fixed costs is the inflation rate. Tax laws in Brazil allow for the total cost of facilities and machines to be fully depreciated (i.e. zero book value) by the end of year 5, in amounts equally spread across the project's lifetime. Although the machines to be employed in the production of the sunscreen will have zero salvage value, at the end of the project the facilities built could be sold at an estimated price of BRL$43.2 million (i.e. the commercial real estate sector is booming in Brazil, with no signs of waning in the foreseeable future). Although Brazil imposes a corporate tax rate of 25% on income, there are neither capital gain taxes nor restrictions or taxes on funds to be sent to Pretty Face in the United States.


A) Presenting your calculations in a table format, indicate the annual cash flows in BRL that the subsidiary of Pretty Face expects to remit to the United States during the project's lifetime.

B )The spot rate of the Brazilian real is being quoted at USD$0.30, the same that the company expects to prevail in the next 5 years (i.e. before accounting for inflation). Moreover, the forward rate is currently quoted at USD$0.30 for years 1 and 2, USD$0.27 for years 3 and 4, and USD$0.25 for year 5. Calculate the annual cash flows (i.e. in USD) that Pretty Face will receive if (i) its subsidiary hedges BRL$2 million annually during the project's lifetime, and (ii) no revenue is hedged. What is the net present value (NPV) associated with the investment in the subsidiary following the hedging and non-hedging strategies? Which one would you suggest to use?

C)Pretty Face is contemplating a different financial arrangement to establish its subsidiary in Brazil. Particularly, the company wants to use its own funds to finance 30% of the initial investment, with the remaining 70% to be obtained by issuing debt. The question is whether the company should issue the debt in the United States or rather in Brazil: in the former, Pretty Face could borrow at an annual rate of 3%, whereas in the later at a rate of 7% (i.e. both loans involve annual interest payments from years 1 to 5, plus a principal payment in year 5). What would be the best option for Pretty Face, i.e. the one that would maximise the NPV of the project?

D) Another option for Pretty Face would be to issue new shares to finance the investment in the Brazilian subsidiary. Based on the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), provide an estimate of what the cost of equity would be if shares were issued in United States, and similarly if shares were issued in Brazil. Elaborate on the factors driving the difference between the two.

E) Before approving the project, the board of directors at Pretty Face asks what would be the consequences for its subsidiary in case halfway through the project (e.g. year 3) the world finds itself engulfed in a crisis of the magnitude of the GFC of 2007–2009. Answer the question raised by the board by way of explaining how you expect the demand for sunscreens in Brazil and the exchange rate BRL/USD to be affected, and how a potential shortage of funds at the subsidiary could be overcome.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
    International Business Finance- Pretty Face Report Writing Assignment Name Institution Date    A] Presenting your calculations in a table format, indicate the annual cash flows in BRL that the subsidiary of Pretty Face expects to remit to the United States during the project’s lifetime  

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Sales Income
$26,712,000 $28,314,720 $30,013,603 $31,814,419 $33,723,285
Variable costs
$11,200,000 $11,200,000 $11,200,000 $11,200,000 $11,200,000
$15,512,000 $17,114,720 $18,813,603 $20,614,419 $22,523,285
Fixed costs
$2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $2,000,000

$7,200,000 $7,200,000 $7,200,000 $7,200,000 $7,200,000
$3,600,000 $3,600,000 $3,600,000 $3,600,000 $3,600,000
Total Depreciation
$10,800,000 $10,800,000 $10,800,000 $10,800,000 $10,800,000
Income before tax
$2,712,000 $4,314,720 $6,013,603 $7,814,419 $9,723,285
Corporation tax
$678,000 $1,078,680 $1,503,401 $1,953,605 $2,430,821
Net income
$2,034,000 $3,236,040 $4,510,202 $5,860,815 $7,292,463
Cash flow from operation
$12,834,000 $14,036,040 $15,310,202 $16,660,815 $18,092,463
Initial Investment

  Construction of facilities 36,000,000

  The purchase of machines 18,000,000

  Working capital 6,000,000

Terminal cash flow

Total undiscounted
12,834,000 14,036,040 15,310,202 16,660,815 61,292,463
Present values 1 0.9259 0.8573 0.7938 0.735 0.6806
PV of future cash inflows
$11,883,000.60 $12,033,097.09 $12,153,238.67 $12,245,698.69 $41,715,650.60

PV of future cash inflows $90,030,685.65

PV of future cash outflows ($60,000,000)

NPV 30,030,686

  To calculate the NPV of the project there is need to identify capital cost to discount the cash flows, which is the Pretty Face’s required rate of return (the cost of project capital or discount rate) at 8%.  As such, the cash flow of each year is discounted at a rate of 8% per year.  The net present value (NPV) is a capital budgeting/ investment appraisal technique obtained by subtracting the initial investment of a project from the present value of the positive cash flows discounted using the company’s cost of the capital (Hall & Sibanda, 2016). If an initial investment will produce payments in the future, these payments are the cash flows.  The cash flows increased from $11,883,000.60 in year 1 to  $41,715,650.60 in year 5, and the last year there were terminal cash flows of BRL$6 43.2 million. On the other hand the initial investment, which is an outflow as BRL$6 60 million. Subsequently the NPV was 30,030,686, which would have been smaller without the terminal cash value. All the cash flows from year 1 are positive as there were no outflows. In any case, the positive and negative flows are included the net present value calculation, including the initial investment flow at time zero. The time value of money is involved in calculating the NPV  as the cash flows benefits are received and spent (costs) at different moments in time. Hence, the net present value (NPV) depends on the present values ​​of the net cash flow for each year being evaluated.  In any case, the n investment project generates a cash flow (cash inflows and outflows) which must first be estimated and then evaluated economically; to assess whether it is convenient and worthwhile to invest in the project. The cash flows were discounted for the entire period, which is relevant in integrating the time value of money. B] The spot rate of the Brazilian real is being quoted at USD$0.30, the same that the company expects to prevail in the next 5 years (i.e. before accounting for inflation). Moreover, the forward rate is currently quoted at USD$0.30 for years 1 and 2, USD$0.27 for years 3 and 4, and USD$0.25 for year 5. Calculate the annual cash flows (i.e. in USD) that Pretty Face will receive if (i) its subsidiary hedges BRL$2 million annually during the project’s lifetime, and (ii) no revenue is hedged. What is the net present value (NPV) associated with the investment in the subsidiary following the hedging and non-hedging strategies? Which one would you suggest to use?   Cash flows without hedging when USD$0.30

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
PV of future cash inflows
$3,564,900.18 $3,609,929.13 $3,645,971.50 $3,673,709.71 $12,514,695.10

PV of future cash inflows $27,009,205.61

PV of future cash outflows ($18,000,000.00)

NPV $9,009,205.61

  Cash flows after hedging revenue   

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
PV of future cash inflows
$3,564,900 $3,609,929 $3,109,914 $3,147,579 $11,653,993

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