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Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Laws Within the Pharmaceutical Industry Finding

Essay Instructions:

ATTACHED ARE "Case assignment instructions", "week 1-4 discussions" (Please use these in writing the paper), "paper writing guidelines by the professor", and other supporting attachments.
Professor's main instructions:

Below are the suggested headings for the paper:

- Title: What is the title of your research project. Your title should be reflective of your topic. In some cases your title could be the same as your topic.

- Purpose of your doctoral research project, e.g., What you plan to do, why you plan to do it, and how it contributes to your current workplace, practice, and or organization you work closely with.

- Research Questions: List 1 or more research questions that you hope to answer with your research project.

- Survey Design Approach Goal: In this section, please articulate what is the scope of the survey design regarding the doctoral research project. Compose a minimum 2 paragraphs addressing why the survey goal is important for your research project. The process may require you do a brief literature review to determine what has been done and what has yet to be studied with respect to your goal.

- Planned Survey Method:

(1) Quantitative: Describe the type of quantitative survey you plan to use, e.g., Likert scale. Share how you know the instrument is reliable and valid (e.g., provide page numbers from the literature you are using).

(2) Demographic: State how demographics are relevant towards the goal of the doctoral project, and if the literature you are using addresses similar demographics. (Module 2 and 3)

(3) Qualitative: Describe any qualitative aspects within your approach and the literature that closely resembles what you plan to do.

(4) Mixed Methods: Describe the mixed methods approach and your rationale for selecting this approach. Provide a brief discussion of any literature you are modeling for your mixed methods approach in your research project.

- Population and Sampling Frame: Define the population of participants for your survey. Construct the appropriate sampling method used to recruit participants for your doctoral research project and identify your sample size.

- Reducing Bias: Based upon each approach mentioned above, share your plan to reduce any potential bias, including researcher bias. Conduct external research to substantially share the types of biases associated with the survey method you selected, e.g, quantitative, qualitative and or mixed methods.

- Anticipated Challenges: Write about any challenges you anticipate associated with the survey design approach you selected for your doctoral research project.


Important Writing Guidelines:

Cover page and reference page

Must be double-spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman

Paper should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes

Essays, graphs, and charts should be in APA style.

Add your survey instrument as an appendix at the end of the paper (not included in the 5 – 8 page count)

You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid plagiarism

Your paper must have a thesis statement and conclusion


Writing Guidelines: -

• Running head and pagination. • The length of this paper should be between 5-8 pages (not including the title page, table of contents, reference page and Appendices page). • APA style formatting (7th edition), double spaced, with 1-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font. • The paper must have an EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/Statement of purpose (including THESIS statement), INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION paragraphs. • Please include TITLE PAGE, TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE, REFERENCE PAGE, and any APPENDICES. • Please submit in a word document and NOT pdf version. • Please use HEADINGS AND SUBHEADINGS to organize your paper. • Use at least 10 academic, peer-reviewed, library trade publications, scholarly or professional practitioner sources, and minimum 36 in-text CITATIONS. • You must cite and reference all texts used, including page numbers as applicable to avoid plagiarism. • Please provide verifiable links/web address for each academic reference used. • Paper should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. • Write your paper in an integrated fashion, weaving theory and application. In other words, do not merely respond to each bullet above as a checklist.


- Use third person in writing. - Do not use quotes. - Use APA formatting (7TH Edition) of references and in text citations is required. - the following resources are NOT ACCEPTABLE as citations for this paper: • Wikipedia.com • Ehow.com • Dictionary.com • About.com • Smallbusiness.chron.com • Diffen.com • Yourbusiness.azcentral.com • Tjmarino.com • Investopedia.com • Boundless.com and Lumen • CourseHero.com • Chegg.com • Difference between • Answers.com • Any student essay website

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Laws within the Pharmaceutical Industry Finding
Author’s Name:
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Instructor’s Name:
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Laws within the Pharmaceutical Industry Finding
Executive Summary
Since inventions are usually costly and time-consuming, intellectual property rights were introduced to protect the innovators. Like other fields, the pharmaceutical field has intellectual property rights that offer the innovators exclusive rights for a certain period. Over the years, there has been the introduction of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), which puts the minimum cost for low-cost generic medications (Correa, 2019, p. 1). However, this process has caused many discussions where some people support this move while others oppose it. Those supporting it highlight that this process will help boost innovations since the innovators will be catered for (Abbott & Reinchman, 2020, p. 24). However, those who oppose it highlight that this process increases the cost of medicines, making some people fail to access them (Correa, 2019, p. 1). This research will check the IPR laws' transformation and their impact on the pharmaceutical market. This process will help to make the informed decision of the right process.
Table of Contents Executive Summary. 1 Introduction. 3 Purpose of the Research. 3 Research Questions. 4 Survey Design Approach Goal 5 Planned Survey Method. 5 Population and Sampling Frame. 7 Reducing Bias. 7 Anticipated Challenges. 8 Conclusion. 8 References. 9 Appendix. 12 Introduction
Over the years, the pharmaceutical industry has received huge improvements in the medical field. The main reason is that this field plays a critical role in discovering, developing, producing, and marketing varying drugs and pharmaceuticals to patients in managing their diseases and symptoms. Like other sectors, this field has been managed by intellectual property rights (IPR) laws (Rodrik, 2018, p. 86). One of the major laws in the IPR is regarding patent rights, which gives the inventor an exclusive right regarding the invention (Krauss, 2018, p. 4). However, the inventors feel that these laws are not effective. For instance, since the process of inventions is expensive, the inventors feel that decreasing the patent laws will disadvantage them. The inventors believe that the patent years are less, considering that the invention and manufacturing process is costly.
Introduction of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (Trips) and World Trade Organizations (WTO) have reduced the risks to the inventors by a huge margin. For instance, TRIPS is looking forward to preventing the production of cheaper generic medicines while protecting pharmaceutical inventors (Correa, 2019, p. 1). Even though these measures are likely to protect the pharmaceutical inventors, they will expose the local market to a struggle for production, making the local populations fail to access these medications (Correa, 2019, p. 1). The research will analyze how intellectual rights laws in the pharmaceutical industry have impacted the continuous state of evolution in emerging markets.
Purpose of the Research
The main aim of introducing IPR laws has been to protect pharmacy innovators from other individuals. Over the years, there have been some changes that have been made in the process of protecting these individuals even more (Nomani et al., 2020, p. 118). One of the introduced changes was the introduction of the TRIPS in 1995 (Nomani et al., 2020, p. 118). However, despite the TRIPS laws being introduced 27 years ago, some people have questioned it, highlighting that it interferes with the market (Nomani et al., 2020, p. 118). This research will evaluate how TRIPS has performed in the past years by evaluating the companies that have employed it (Rodrik, 2018, p. 84). It will also evaluate people's perceptions regarding it and recommend the laws that can be employed such that it will protect pharmaceutical innovators and individuals in developing nations. This process will help employ the right IPR laws to balance the market while promoting innovations.
Research Questions
The research looks forward to checking how the IPR laws have managed the pharmaceutical industry. For instance, it checks whether IPR laws have improved innovation in different regions (Nomani et al., 2020, p. 120). Moreover, it is evaluating its impact on the developing markets since it will affect the availability of these pharmaceuticals. To successfully conduct the research, it is important to have research questions (Meyer von Wolff et al., 2019, 97). The main reason is that they will help to guide the research. Furthermore, it will help to evaluate whether the research has attained its intended purpose. The following research will have three questions that it will have to address.
1 Are intellectual property rights laws protecting pharmaceutical innovators?
2 What is the impact of IPR laws in the emerging markets?
3 Which measures have been employed to address the IPR issues that have been existing?
4 How emerging markets promote the local pharmaceutical industry in medicine access.
Survey Design Approach Goal
The survey design approach goal is the process of having the goal to help the individual collect the information by checking their responses to their questions. This research is outstanding since it permits various methods to recruit the right participants, get the right data, and use it in varying methods of instrumentalization. Sometimes this approach can employ quantitative research strategies such as experimental research (Creswell, 2019, p. 2). On the other hand, it could be composed of qualitative research strategies (Creswell, 2019, p. 1). An example of the qualitative research strategy is interviews.
In addition to these methods, there are other methods. This research will employ mixed methods combining qualitative and quantitative strategies (Creswell, 2019, p. 1). The information that has been gotten from different people through the survey research can be employed for decades. Moreover, it describes human behavior, making it frequently applied in psychological and social research. A mixed methods study also has high quality since it combines both methods (Hong et al., 2018, p. 7). Most people are employing this approach since the information from this approach is highly reliable and therefore offers credible information that will be employed for a long time.
Planned Survey Method
When performing this research, it will be critical to employ a quantitative survey. The best quantitative survey is the Likert scale. The research will use a Likert scale that contains five scales. The first scale will be one representing strongly agree, two representing agree, three representing neutral, four representing disagree, and five representing strongly disagree (Chyung et al., 2018, p. 10). One reason for the Likert scale is that it is important to understand. For example, the person can easily trace the neutral point, neutral, and opposing positive or negative extremes (Chyung et al., 2018, p. 11). The data from the Likert scale is also highly accurate (Liu & Chalmers, 2018, p. 11). Furthermore, it is better for data distribution since it offers the true respondents' emotions (Nussio, 2020, p. 17). Moreover, it is an ideal option for large surveys since it offers fewer options that offer clear and relevant answers, which helps in sampling large audiences.
One of the critical features of research is the right demographic. The main reason why the demographic is important is tha...
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