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Graduate School of Business (Gsb) Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor

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Advanced Quantitative Research Methods
Graduate School of Business (Gsb) Kota Damansara, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Chapter 1: Introduction PAGEREF _Toc70436107 \h 31. Background of study PAGEREF _Toc70436108 \h 32. Problem Statement PAGEREF _Toc70436109 \h 33. Research Question PAGEREF _Toc70436110 \h 34. Research Objectives PAGEREF _Toc70436111 \h 45. Significance of the research PAGEREF _Toc70436112 \h 46. Definition of terms PAGEREF _Toc70436113 \h 4Chapter 2: Literature review PAGEREF _Toc70436114 \h 41. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc70436115 \h 42. Dependent variable PAGEREF _Toc70436116 \h 53. Independent variables PAGEREF _Toc70436117 \h 54. Hypothesis Development PAGEREF _Toc70436118 \h 65. Chapter Summary PAGEREF _Toc70436119 \h 6Chapter 3: Research Methodology PAGEREF _Toc70436120 \h 61. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc70436121 \h 62. Research Framework PAGEREF _Toc70436122 \h 63. Research Design PAGEREF _Toc70436123 \h 74. Population and sampling PAGEREF _Toc70436124 \h 85. Instrumentation PAGEREF _Toc70436125 \h 86. Chapter summary PAGEREF _Toc70436126 \h 8Chapter 4: Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc70436127 \h 81. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc70436128 \h 82. Reliability test PAGEREF _Toc70436129 \h 93. Normality test PAGEREF _Toc70436130 \h 94. Pearson correlation PAGEREF _Toc70436131 \h 95. Multiple linear regression PAGEREF _Toc70436132 \h 96. Chapter summary PAGEREF _Toc70436133 \h 9Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusion: PAGEREF _Toc70436134 \h 101. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc70436135 \h 102. Summary PAGEREF _Toc70436136 \h 103. Conclusion PAGEREF _Toc70436137 \h 10Reference PAGEREF _Toc70436138 \h 11Appendix PAGEREF _Toc70436139 \h 12Chapter 4 Data Analysis PAGEREF _Toc70436140 \h 122. Reliability Test: PAGEREF _Toc70436141 \h 123. Normality test PAGEREF _Toc70436142 \h 134. Pearson correlation PAGEREF _Toc70436143 \h 145. Multiple linear regression PAGEREF _Toc70436144 \h 15APPENDIX A PAGEREF _Toc70436145 \h 16
Chapter 1: Introduction
1. Background of the study
Students are usually dependent on the internet for their several essentials like study, gaming, training, and shopping in this era of advancement. This research is based on the online shopping behaviors of students and their effects on students. Budiharseno 's study claims that Besides offline shopping, online purchasing also has several interests among students worldwide. All types of age groups use online shopping, but teenagers mainly use online shopping applications and websites. The uses of online shopping are increases randomly, and also its effects greatly influenced the student. In this research, I am trying to figure out some aspects of online shopping the related to each other. As per Cherrett and his associates, Students are essential generators of increasing online business, can generate significant freight business to one location (Cherrett et al., 2017). In this research, I try to determine the relation of online shopping intention of students with the perceived usefulness and ease of use for online shopping among students.
2. Problem Statement
The problem is that the students are very dependent on the internet and use online shopping for different intentions. The impact of online shopping is increasing day by day, and we need to find out the usefulness of online shopping in this research. The use of online shopping increases as the use of online shopping is getting short day by day. The students can get their all desire product in the online shopping sites it will also affect students' daily lives.
3. Research Question
The research question for this research is straightforward, but it will derive complicated outcomes.
"What is the relation between the online shopping intention of students with perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use for online shopping?"
The study proposal will profoundly determine the specific relation among the online shopping intention of students with distinguished usefulness and observed ease of application for online purchasing.
4. Research Objectives
The research objectives are included the determination of the use of online shopping practice, and ease of use for online shopping for the students. This research will demonstrate the thought of students in terms of online shopping.
5. Significance of the research
The significance of this research is that it determines the use of online shopping practice and finds out that is online shopping is easy for students. This research will deliver all the aspects that students think about online shopping on the internet. This research will determine how students are enhanced by the online shopping platform and choose how they will use online shopping in the future.
6. Definition of terms
Dependent Variable:
A dependent variable is specifically whatever it appears like. It is a matter that depends on different circumstances. The dependent variable is the factor that relies on another determinant that is estimated. These variables are assumed to improve due to the creative direction of the independent factor or variables.
An independent variable is specifically something it seems like. It is a factor that attains singly and isn't modified by the different variables that we are attempting to estimate. The independent variable is the factor the experimenter forms or modifications and is expected to possess an immediate influence on the dependent factors.
Chapter 2: Literature review
1. Introduction
Edwar and his allies mention that the internet technology advanced knowledge can be taken from all across the business despite period and geological boundaries for it's attached by a global computer practice, it can help people to gain product buying choices by online shopping (Edwar, Diansari & Winawati, 2018). Muthupriya mentions that online shopping has grown a new course of shopping now and is speedily growing an essential part of the lifestyle (Muthupriya, 2019). Due to public internet admittance by people and e-commerce practice by merchants, online purchasing has seen extensive growth in modern years. Students have been the majority of customers online (Muthupriya, 2019). Online shopping is a mean cant part of the overall e-commerce, a business which contains all the trading and purchasing of goods and assistance over computerized systems such as the internet and other networks by houses, companies, and other businesses. With the range of the internet, the quantity of business that is conveyed electronically has observed remarkable extension; and becomes directed to changes and improvement in areas such as computerized funds transfer, computerized information exchange, and internet marketing (Muthupriya, 2019). Vaidya reclaims that online shopping can be conceived of as an action wherein the consumer utilizes the internet to buy goods or services (Vaidya & Vaidya, 2017). In most cases, the business may occur online. Online shopping puts a huge interest on the application of the internet. Thousands of people are getting assurance about buying products online. Online shopping is a kind of Electronics business that enables customers to instantly buy goods and services from a merchant over the internet applying a web browser. In online shopping, all kind of goods is available in the practical experience (Vaidya & Vaidya, 2017). Nishad and Moorthi define that online shopping has created important development over the ages, and online shopping is attempting to return substantial markets in the modern situation. Online shopping has encouraged retailers to extend and catch the market, and people can shop from their place and preserving time and money (Nishad & Moorthi, 2020). Multiple circumstances such as more affordable smartphones and more standard internet data packs have recommended people to do shopping online.
2. Dependent variable
A dependent variable is specifically whatever it appears like. It is a matter that depends on different circumstances. The dependent variable is the factor that relies on another determinant that is estimated. These variables are assumed to improve as a consequence of the innovative direction of the independent factor or variables.
3. Independent variables
An independent variable is specifically something it seems like. It is a factor that attains singly and isn't modified by the different variables that we are attempting to estimate. The independent variable is the factor the experimenter forms or modifications and is expected to possess an immediate influence on the dependent factors.
4. Hypothesis Development
Null Hypothesis:
There is a correlation between online shopping intention and usefulness and ease of use of online shopping for the students.
Alternative Hypothesis:
There is no correlation between online shopping intention and usefulness and ease of use of online shopping for the students.
5. Chapter Summary
In this part, I introduce some literature reviews for my paper and also determine the definition, conceptualization, past studies, and overview of dependable and independable variables. In this chapter of research, there is also describing the hypothesis statement of the research which included both null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis statements.
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
1. Introduction
In this chapter of the research, I will include the research framework, research design, population and sampling, and instrumentation for the research. Research methodology is one of the essential parts of a research paper and determines the procedure and success of the research. Population and sampling will affect the outcome of the research and the study.
2. Research Framework
I applied a case study framework in this research. Case study frameworks are a process for addressing business difficulties practicing a defined arrangement. The formation of a framework enables the user to develop a query into its primary interests. A case study is a comprehensive study of a particular problem, such as a person, organization, community, development, business, or appearance. Case studies are generally accepted in cultural, educational, and business analysis. A case study research framework usually includes quantitative methods. Case studies are useful for reporting, analyzing, assessing, and experiencing various features of a research intricacy. A case study is a proper research framework if anyone wants to obtain in-depth information regarding a particular real-world problem. It permits the researcher to investigate the key features, applications, and relationships of the case. Case studies are usually a great option in a thesis or discourse. They hold the project concentrated and flexible when researchers don't have the experience or support to do large-scale analysis. Anyone might use simply one complex case research where they investigate a particular topic in-depth or manage various case studies to examine and explain various features of the research problem. A case study is required to apprehend the complexity of a particular case, and the methodology that allows this has manifested within the social abilities (Ebneyamini & Sadeghi Moghadam, 2018). Such methodology is utilized not simply in the social abilities, such as science, sociology, and economics, however additionally in practice-oriented courses such as environmental education, cultural work, learning, and marketing studies.
3. Research Design
It is qualitative research that follows the design of the survey and exploratory research design. Quantitative research is the method of gathering and interpreting statistical data (Goertzen, 2017). It can be applied to determine designs and standards, make forecasts, test causal relations, and conclude outcomes to more extensive groups. As per Mohajan, the objective of quantitative analysis is to create awareness and build a perception of the social environment (Mohajan, 2018). Quantitative research is practiced by social experts, including information researchers, to recognize aspects or circumstances concerning people. Exploratory research design is conveyed for an analysis intricacy when the researcher has no prior information or simply several studies for evidence (Stebbins, 2001). Sometimes this study is casual and unorganized. It works as a mechanism for fundamental research that presents a possible or general purpose of the analysis problem. Exploratory researches consist of gathering, investigating, and interpreting measurements about known patterns, orders, or designs, or abstract principles or questions. These investigations are the most inductive method to gain knowledge. An exploratory study points at presenting perspicacity in and knowledge of the problem submitted by the researcher. Exploratory analysis is an essential part of any business approach. Its concentration is on the development of concepts and insights as exposed to accumulating statistically reliable data. If it arrives at online surveys, the most obvious instance of exploratory study needs accommodation in the application of open-ended questions.
4. Population and sampling
The main population of this research paper is the students who use online shopping. The population is the students who are requested to the survey for this research, the sampling is created by asking 17 question questionnaires to the 35 students randomly.
5. Instrumentation
In this research, the Student ID refers to the students. The question Q1 refers, I will strongly recommend others to use the online to purchase. Q2 refer, I am likely to use the online to purchase in the near future. Q3 refers, I plan to use the online to purchase in the near future. Q4 refers, I expect to use the online to purchase in the next six months. Q5 refers, I plan to use the online to purchase again in the next six months. Q6 refers, my general intention to use the online to purchase is very high. Q7 refer, I will think about using the online to purchase. Q 8 refer, I think using online shopping makes me save time. Q9 refers, I think using online shopping makes me a better consumer. Q10 refers, I think using online shopping improve my efficiency as a consumer. Q11 refer, I think online shopping is useful to me as a consumer. Q12 refer, I think online shopping increase my effectiveness as a consumer. Q13 refer, I think it is easy to learn how to use online shopping. Q14 refer, I believe that it is easy to get online shopping services to do what I want it to do. Q 15 refers; I think it is easy to remember how to use online shopping services. Q16 refer, I think online shopping services are easy to use. Q17 refer, I think it is easy to become skillful at using online shopping services.
6. Chapter summary
In this chapter, I explain the research framework, research design, population and sampling, and instrumentation. The case study framework uses in this research and the research design is qualitative and exploratory research design.
Chapter 4: Data Analysis
1. Introduction
In this part, I analyze the data which is originated by survey questionnaire, and we collect the data from a total number of 35 students. After getting the data I put the data in IBM SPSS software and perform different types of tests included reliability test, normality test, Pearson correlation, and multiple linear regressions. All of the data analysis will be provided in the appendix portion of this research paper.
2. Reliability test
In the reliability test, I get reliability statistics that suggest the Cronbach’s Alpha is .442 and Cronbach's Alpha Based on Standardized Items is ....
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