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Financial Statement / Audit Report Review

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 1: Financial Statement / Audit Report Review

Due Week 4 and worth 240 points

Select one (1) local government in your state or area and review the financial statements and audit report for the county or municipality. The financial statements of the government you selected should have at least three (3) funds. Refer to the continuing problem homework for Weeks 1 through 3 for this assignment.

Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you:

1. Compare and contrast the comprehensive annual financial report (CAFR) of the selected local government entity with the government entity identified from Week 1 homework. In your comparison, include:

a. Publication method of the CAFR

b. Audit and budget information in the CAFR

c. The type of audit report issued

d. Existence or non-existence of an internal audit function within the government entity

2. Prepare the analysis for the selected local government entity, including information on the introduction, financial section, and statistical section prepared in the continuing problem CAFR from chapter 2.

3. Analyze the methods used by the selected local government entity in comparing the budget-to-actual reports. Your analysis should include an evaluation of the basis of accounting used for the budget and financial statements.

4 .Analyze the sources of revenue on the selected local government. Your analysis should include information on both governmental and business-type activities of the government. In your report, be sure to examine

a. Property taxes and how they are accounted for

b. Other sources identified as primary revenue for the entity

c. Deferred revenue

d. Year-to-year variations in the tax levels of income

e. Various management discussion and analysis items of note

f. Information about the general fund

I uploaded 2 files to help with completion of this paper. The one for Burke County is to be used to compare to the Richmond County one.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Financial Statement and Audit Report
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The complete annual report of a given state can be drawn after uncovering all of the conceivable experiences or covering the subtle elements. In this paper, I have talked about the annual reports exhibited by Burke County and Richmond County. Both of them have used simple or traditional production technique. The report of Burke County was submitted to the Honorable Mayor or Members of the City Council. On the other hand, the report of Richmond County was submitted to the Governor and Members of Legislative Assembly.
Both of these reports showed consistency, as the Government Auditing Standards reviewed the benchmarks and acknowledged by inspecting regulations. The two productions were consistent in order to uncover the money that was related to the point of interest of Burke County and Richmond County.
After reviewing the financial backing data of Burke County and Richmond County, I got to know that data was represented on the estimation cash spent in relevant fields. The monetary allowance breakdown was given; it showed the utilization of fluctuated cash at varying divisions and on the degree to which the cash was supposed to be spent. Burke County’s review provided details on how the administration had burned through cash in varying territories.
While differentiating the reviews of Burke County and Richmond County, I discovered that there was great potential in Burke County. Money-related faults or errors were found in both of the reports. For instance, Richmond County had presented a budgetary review in order to help uncover neighborhood data. At the same time, there is an inside examining group that is responsible for controlling the budget while taking a gander at the administration level regarding the assets. In Burke County, an interior existing review has been uncovered in order to deal with the solid data and full obligations about the exhaustive work that depends on the complete report review. In Burke County, we should notice that the interior review does not provide full details of what is needed due to irregularities of varying types and because of the collaboration of structures being examined. An inward review ought to surpass all of the inner advantages. Consequently, both of the reports are controlled in order to fit the misquote of the budgetary report.
In order to set up the investigation, we included data, paid attention to money related segment and looked at the factual segment arranged in the reports. A bookkeeping element along with self-assessed proclamations, an asset monetary, the budgetary records and plain records were all found on the books, and these were contracted down to the basic level in order to investigate assets in a better way. The economy of Burke County, the cash trade foundation and a comprehensive investigation report of money was also brought to light. On the other hand, Rich...
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