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Finance Ethics: Identify The Conflict, Individual, Decision To Be Made

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for Ethics Essay

Paper 500-600 words.

Choose one of two vignettes listed below.

Use this 7-step framework for each situation:

Identify the conflict (role of individual, decision to be made)

Identify the relevant facts (urgency, who will be impacted, how big will the benefit be, how big will the cost be to the decision maker, how big will the impact be to the capital market participants)

Do I know enough or should I do more fact gathering? Should I ask my supervisor for guidance?

What are range of decisions that I could make? Elaborate these in considerable detail.

What do CFA Standards of Professional Conduct say to do? Does more than one apply? Which one should prevail?

Make the choice and say why.

How will you implement the action: write a letter, make a phone call, what will you say?

Refer to the CFA readings for clarification on the seven Standards of Professional Conduct or to the powerpoint summary of the Standards.

1.)Dan Noelle, a telecom company analyst for CTO Securities, issued a memo to be included in CTO's morning email to the firm's clients:

“Rumors that Descend Communications will announce first quarter results as much as 3 cents per share better than consensus projections of 44 cents because of strong domestic orders and good expense control. We have upgraded our rating to BUY from HOLD and have raised our 12-month price target to 70 from 65.”

Dan justified his rating upgrade by saying that the “whisper number” had been circulating for some time. Descend's lower tax rate from operations in Ireland might be the reason why. He had also read a message in a chat room that the company was close to booking a huge new order in Europe. He was willing to take a chance that the company had a good shot at beating the consensus estimate and his own earlier estimate.

2.)Jeffrey Reynolds is a mining analyst for North Shore Securities. He has just finished his report on Hanover Gold Mines. Included in his report is his own assessment of the geological extent of mineral reserves likely to be found on the company's land. Jeffrey completed this calculation based on the core samples from the company's latest drilling. According to his calculations, the company has in excess of 500,000 ounces of gold on the property. Jeffrey concludes his research report as follows: “Based on the fact that the company has 500,000 ounces of gold to be mined, I recommend a strong BUY.”

To simplify the report, he decides to leave out details of the derivation of the earnings estimate and of the valuation model linking Hanover's earnings forecasts to his opinion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The conflict surfacing from Jeffrey Reynolds as an analyst is the projection of the company’s geological extent of gold mines in the future sales. Hypothetically, he wonders whether the company had enough accumulation of the gold ounce that will facilitate earnings estimates based on the Hanover’s earnings formula. He therefore makes a decision after doing the assessment that the company had made an extra amount of about 500000 ounce gold to help push through its estimates.
The urgency of the assessment is crucial to the company since the focus of the study was based on the earnings. In order to help in the planning for future expenditure, the assessment was very urgent. The management will feel the impact entirely as it will switch the minds of the gold owners to invest on sophisticated methods of production of gold. Using the extra 500000 ounce gold, the company will develop equipment and machineries that will help expand the market. Proper investment of the money on the personnel will encourage overproduction in the business. As a result, therefore, market shares will increase following proper investments mechanisms and the large sales volume of gold.
Through sampling, the decision maker is able to know enough of the information relating to the subject matter of the study. The sample sizes chosen gave an exact estimate of the gold ounces that the company did not know about. As an analyst, you do not need further guidance when you have all the requirements and skills to carry out...
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