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Expert Witness Dilemma: A Case Study of Jefferson County in Alabama

Essay Instructions:

Read the case study: The Expert Witness Dilemma (see link below).

Prepare a 5- to 6-page critical essay that explains:

Your position and justification as an expert witness in consideration of arguments and realities faced by Dr. Jonathan Strauss, and

your approach to the issues and your solution to the recognized problems described in the case.Y
Link: https://services(dot)hbsp(dot)harvard(dot)edu/api/courses/575614/items/NA0395-PDF-ENG/sclinks/1d666d4b2d47b5ac1c1aed1e680f1e47

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Expert Witness Dilemma
Expert Witness Dilemma
The dilemma involves the case of Jefferson County in Alabama filing for bankruptcy. The county reported rampant incidences of corruption, which had caused mismanagement of funds and a subsequent inability to pay off debts. Review of the case would require the application of accounting principles regarding the management of government assets regarding accounting. Important standards that would apply to the case are GASB 34 and GASB 58, along with other considerations outlined in the GAAP. The standards would provide major points that will determine the most suitable decision to apply in the case. Anybody involved in the process would need to be aware of the provisions of the indenture agreement on bonds the County possessed, previous court filings, testimonies of other witnesses, and reports parties with interest in the case would file with the court. The essay explores the factors that would influence the decision of the expert witness and proposes a final decision based on the information accrued from the case.
The first step is to establish that the County has legitimate grounds for filing for bankruptcy. The history of the sewer system indicates an inability to raise sufficient funds to facilitate proper maintenance of the structure (Guess, Broom & Reburn, 2016). The county took control of overseeing operations involved in the functioning of the sewer system in each municipality to ensure the operations complied with existent operational prerequisites. The county failed to receive compensations from municipalities to facilitate remedial efforts that would facilitate remedial efforts of the sewer system. Poor management of the available resources, poor implementation of the recovery plan, and corruption thwarted efforts to restructure the system to optimal working conditions. The County had to file for bankruptcy due to an inability to pay off existing debts (Guess, Broom & Reburn, 2016). The County reached the financial condition due to a switch from fixed rate to variable rate bonds, loss of income, the effects of the financial crisis that occurred in 2008, and rampant corruption. As per the financial standing, the county could not afford to pay the principal that became due immediately and had no way to raise the money shortly because the assets the county possessed could not clear the costs. By the provisions of the law, the government tried to intervene before the filing for bankruptcy through the appointment of a receiver (Guess, Broom & Reburn, 2016). The obligations of the receiver were to facilitate administrative duties, oversee operations and protect stakeholders involved in the operation of the sewer system. The receiver was at liberty to make the best decisions to rectify the situation of the sewer system. The efforts failed because the receiver refused to work with the county after a short while.
The second step is to review the agreement outlined in the indenture contract. The contract outlined the existent legal agreement between Jefferson County, which issued the bonds, and several bond possessors (Guess, Broom & Reburn, 2016). A section of the agreement provided an outline of a prescribed order of disbursing the revenue the sewer system would accrue from customers. The requisitions of the agreement dictated that disbursements would occur in three tiers. The first tier would be a distribution that would clear the expenses incurred as operational costs. The second tier comprised of amounts the county should disburse to pay the principal and interest costs to holders of warrants the county issued. Any subsequent money that remained from the revenue the county collected after making payments in the first two tiers would facilitate clearance of debts in three other tiers according to a prescribed order. By the time the county was filing for bankruptcy, the parties involved in the indenture agreement had reached the consensus that no funds would be available to make the third tier payments after clearing payments in the first two tiers. Also, the county could not afford to make the payments in the first two tiers. The point of contention arose from the definition of operating costs according to the agreement (Guess, Broom & Reburn, 2016). Operation costs included charges the Trustee incurred, costs for sewer maintenance except for amounts that one can charge to set capital accounts, and expenses...
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