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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Description of Variables: C2XTRAMENTOR and X2PAR1EMP

Essay Instructions:

To prepare for this Assignment:

• Review the Learning Resources as well as the SPSS resources found in this week’s Learning Resources.

• Review, download, and install the SPSS software on your computer using the IBM SPSS Installation and Registration document for PC or for MAC in this week’s Learning Resources.

• Using the SPSS software,High School Longitudinal Study dataset found in this week’s Learning Resources and then choose two variables that interest you.

For this Assignment:

Write a 1- to 2-page summary and include the following:

• If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES.

• A description of what the each of the variables measure.

• A description of the unit of analysis.

• A description and explanation of the levels of measurement for each variable (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).

• Explain how you might conceive these variables to be used to answer a social change question. What might be the implications for social change?

Support your summary using appropriate scholarly citations and references. Use proper APA format.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Description of Variables
Due Date
Description of Variables
In the HS Long Survey Dataset, the mean value of the socio-economic status (X1SES) composite of the study participants is 0.0545, with a standard deviation of 0.78061. The minimum value in the dataset is -1.75 and the maximum value was 2.57.
Two variables of interest in the data variable are C2XTRAMENTOR are X2PAR1EMP. C2XTRAMENTOR is a variable that describes the school-arranged mentors for the students who require extra help. That is, the variable measures whether a given school invests towards securing a mentor for children who may be struggling with their education and may require extra guidance. The unit of analysis in this case is the school. The variable "C2XTRAMENTOR" measures whether a given school invests towards securing a mentor for children who may be struggling with their education and may require extra guidance. The variable "C2XTRAMENTOR" is a nominal variable, meaning it has two mutually exclusive categories - "yes" and "no". Mishra et al. (2018) observes that nominal variables describe a scale of measurement where there is an absence of inherent order or numerical value.
The variable "C2XTRAMENTOR" can be used to answer social change questions related to education. Some of the social change questions that the variable can answer include: What percentage of schools invest in school-arranged mentors for students who require extra help? Are schools with higher investment in school-arranged mentors associated with better academic outcomes for students who require extra help? Is there a correlation between school investment in school-arranged mentors and reducing educational disparities among students from different socioeconomic backgrounds? The implications for social change depend on the results of the analysis. If it is found that schools with higher investment in school-arranged mentors are associated with better academic outcomes for students who require extra help, this could suggest that increasing i...
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