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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Corporate Finance: Where Should your Factory be Located?

Essay Instructions:

This writing assignment should be in an essay format. It should use two or more published news or academic articles which are less than a year old as cited references. This writing assignment addresses the values learning outcome (LO7) as detailed in the syllabus. 
For this assignment, assume that you are a corporate manager that needs to make an important decision. Your company currently has its largest factory (700 employees) located in the Midwestern United States. This factory is currently not competitive in international markets and its poor results are threatening to force the entire company into bankruptcy. The company employs 3,000 in other areas of the U.S. You have to decide whether to keep the factory where it is or move it to Canada or Ireland. 
You can only keep one factory open. The corporate tax rates of Canada (20%) and Ireland (15%) are much lower than the U.S. (35%). Labor costs will not change significantly because the cost of training new employees will be offset by the replacement of highly paid senior employees with younger employees in the other countries. The old factory needs extensive renovation which will still not leave it as efficient as the new factories planned for the new countries. Therefore, the NPV of the capital investments involved are equal for all three countries. 
You have calculated the NPV of each choice. The NPV of keeping the U.S. factory open is $1,000,000. The NPV of moving the factory to Canada or Ireland is $10,000,000 and $35,000,000 respectively. Also use after-tax formula to find the NPV.
In this writing assignment, you should answer the following questions: 
• Where should your factory be located? Why? 
• Who are the stakeholders in this decision? How did you take the stakeholders into account when making your decision? 
• How does your decision support responsible stewardship and integrity in the context of financial management? 
The essay will be in APA format and be 500-1,000 words in length (this range includes everything in the assignment including your name, title, and citations).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Corporate Finance
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Corporate Finance
Under certain conditions a factory may be forced to move its plant operations to a different location or shut down its operations. Whether partial termination or relocation, the corporate manger needs to include all the stakeholders in decision making of the best move that will benefit the organization. This duty to decide on whether to relocate exists irrespective of the manager’s motivation in making the decision. Based on our scenario, the company faces stiff competition both in local and international markets. It is performing poorly and soon it might be forced out of the market by becoming bankruptcy. As a corporate manager, I should make appropriate decisions that will benefit the organization. Based on the circumstances that the company is facing in the U.S. it will not survive long and the best option is to relocate.
Comparing the three destinations where the company chooses to establish its operations, the United States will not be the best option since it is already performing poorly and faces stiff competition from other organizations. Also, the corporate tax in U.S. is higher than that of Canada and Ireland. The cost of renovating the factory is high and will not make it to be efficient as those in the new countries that it will establish its operations in. Considering the NPV, it is less than that of Canada and Ireland. Based on NPV’s decision rule, the project that has a higher NPV is considered not to be viable...
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