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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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Challenges Mobile Devices Pose to an Organization

Essay Instructions:

Please prepare a response to the following post:
in your experience, what are some unique challenges mobile devices pose to an organization? What are some trade-offs? What are some pros and cons of BYOD?

When I first started working in an office over 25 years ago, the computers were bulky and not portable. As the years have progressed so has technology and the way that we work. It was never a question of whether you would be provided with equipment to do your job. Now more than ever more companies are offering more flexibility that makes it easy to work from anywhere. So many jobs are available on an app, you are on your phone doing a job that pays you. The employee needs to be able to work with minimal supervision. When employees are working on their own phone, it could pose a few challenges. The employee may not be focused and may continue to check social media throughout the day. Another challenge would be the company's database could be susceptible to a virus. The tradeoffs to the few negatives are that people always have their phone in their hands. If they can make money from doing something they already do, they would possibly work around the clock. This could be profitable for the company.

Mobile devices are necessary for companies that have employees out in the field. Employees could use the phone for personal use, to view content that is not work appropriate or put company data at risk. The huge tradeoff is always having communication with the employee. In so many jobs, in many different industries you see employees using tablets to look up items, check prices and checking out. Ensuring that the mobile devices get charged each night and the maintenance is completed daily to ensure you have smooth transactions with your customers could be a challenge.

Discuss how to maintain separation of duties in a computerized accounting system. Give some examples from your work (do not share any confidential information).

Depending on the transactions that are occurring 2-3 people could review the transaction. AP will enter invoices from a vendor that we use on a normal basis. If we have not processed an invoice for a vendor in the last 60 days (about 2 months), approval must be received before it is entered for payment. I run a weekly report to review all invoices entered the previous week. I might ask for more info or deny a check request. Once I have approved the checks to be printed, AP will print checks and hand them in for signature. Each check requires two signatures. I will sign the check first since I have already reviewed and approved the checks. After I am finished, the CEO (Chief Executive Officers) reviews the checks and invoices. He might deny a check, or he might sign all of them. After he is finished signing them, the checks are handed back to AP to mail out.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Question One
The advancement of technology has been incredible for the working world, especially in terms of creating more flexibility and mobility. Remote work opportunities allow employees to work from anywhere and on their phones. However, this could cause issues such as being distracted by social media or putting company data at risk. Organizations must ensure their databases are secure and employees know the risks involved. Mobile devices are also essential in specific industries as employees can quickly access information and complete transactions. This situation could have a positive effect on customer experience. Mobile devices must be correctly charged and maintained daily to ensure smooth transactions. All in all, the benefits of having mobile devices and remote work opportunities outweigh the risks.
Question Two
Based on the analysis, it i...
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