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Case study: Tough Choices

Essay Instructions:
Read the case study: Tough Choices: Ethical Decisions in Whistle-Blowing in the e-reader (pages a to b). submit answers to the following questions: 1. The fraud triangle has been used to identify conditions or circumstances that typically present in financial frauds. Using the fraud triangle, identify the internal control weaknesses and fraud risk factors that were present in the case. How might these risk factors and control weaknesses contribute to fraud? 2. What role can management accountants play in preventing and detecting fraudulent activities and other illegal activities? 3. Based on what Cathy has observed, do you think Kimberly is doing something unethical? Do you think Cathy is doing something unethical? Defend your answers. 4. What have we learned?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Tough Choices – Case Study Your Name Course and Section Professor's Name November 25, 2024 1. Internal Control Weaknesses and Fraud Risk Factors Millers and Borman fraud triangle presents opportunity, pressure, and rationalization as the pillars of management fraud. In this case, there were areas for improvement in internal control systems, such as a lack of proper supervision and no provision of checks and balances, such as having different personnel handling different responsibilities. For instance, unfettered transactional liberty exposed possible interference with the financial options without being detected. This was compounded by poor monitoring to prevent the development of a situation where discrepancies go undetected. Sometimes, the pressures arise from personal financial issues, and the organization imposes unrealistic targets, which makes the employee begin thinking of cutting corners. The last one is rationalization, where the employees may find justification for defrauding, for instance, assuming they are due for pay. These weaknesses, if not remedied, lead to the vulnerability of organizations to suffer severe financial and reputational loss. It has been found that the effectiveness of controls, good tone at the top, culture, and effective monitoring must be strengthened to combat fraud risks effectively. 2. Role of Management Accountants in Fraud Prevention Management accountants are responsible for reducing and discovering fraud by applying internal controls and analytical techniques. A system of separation of duties applies to each employee to avoid having the entire process of handling the finances of a company. Audits are essential to make peop...
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