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Ethics- Use of animals in the process of testing non-medical products.

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Ethics- it’s not ethically acceptable for companies to use animals in the process of testing non-medical products.

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Ethics-it’s not ethically acceptable for companies to use animals in the process of testing non-medical products
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Poisoning, shocking, burning and murdering animals has become a common practice for various companies producing non-medical products such as cosmetics, cleaning, storage, pharmacy and office supplies among others, according to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). These inhumane acts occur in numerous laboratories all over the world, resulting in the deaths of millions of animals due to different processes (PETA, 2013). The animal testing institutions primarily utilize rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, dogs and cats that have to endure all manner of torture for learning and production of safe supplies for human use. With the increase in demand for these non-medical products, animals continually endure these forms of torture to enable companies to reap increases financial benefits, thereby raising the question, why should animals experience cruel deaths just for humans to have supplies and cosmetics? (Animal Ethics, 2018). It is understandable that human beings want to look beautiful, be groomed appropriately and have cleaning supplies to keep their environment clean and safe among others. However, when it is at the cost of the lives of animals, these needs becomes meaningless. It is unethical for companies to utilize animals testing for non-medical products due to various reasons.
Using animals to test non-medical products is immoral and cruel. It is unethical for scientists to sentence millions of animals that can feel, think and see, to a life of loneliness, suffering, torture, and fear in laboratories to meet the financial and inessential needs of human beings. According to surveys by the Gallup poll, in 2015 sixty-seven percent of US citizens considered animal testing for other purposes other than medical use a serious concern with half of them opposing their utilization (Riffkin, 2015, May 18). Their concerns, together with viewpoints of animal rights campaigners, assert that utilizing animals for such experiments contravenes animal rights. The belief that animals are beings that experience similar emotions as human beings and have desires and values that guide their lives means that they should enjoy the rights to life and freedom from pain and torture (Funk & Rainie, 2015). Therefore, it is immoral to utilize them to determine the safety of products such as cosmetics as this violates their rights to safety, to have a life and freedom. Similarly, others scientists believe that it is unjustified to impose harm on animals to research products that do not benefit them. Utilizing animal testing for non-medical products such as cleaning supplies and cosmetics involves the introduction of infections chemicals on animals and observing their effects. Hence, since the animals will not utilize such products, it is cruel for organizations to make them experience pain, psychological distress, separation and death, as human life and comfort do not outweigh the animal right to life (Funk & Rainie, 2015).
Testing non-medical products on animals is unethical as it results in untold suffering. Animals that are commonly utilized in laboratories to test various products endure immense pain. According to Animal rights groups, the suffering begins with scientists removing the said animals from their natural habitats, away from their families and way of life and putting them in small, cluttered cages where they have no freedom whatsoever (Monamy, 2017, pp. 37-39). The scientists then expose them to a scary and isolated surrounding, with machines, chemicals and human being surrounding them all the time. Also, the animals get to live in improperly managed, and maintained environments as the scientist know that they are going to die soon. Finally, the animals get to experience the worst suffering by having harmful chemicals introduced into their skins, eyes and their body systems, while people observe and monitor them carefully as the traumatic and painful effects manifest extensively before they are put down. All these occurrences induce trauma, stress, distress and even accidents that inflict too much suffering on the animals, which is unwarranted suffering that such individuals may never inflict on their pets (Monamy, 2017, pp. 37-39).
Testing non–medical products by use of animals is unethical due to the presence of substitute methods that are more accurate, successful and cheaper. Animal testing for non-medical products that include cosmetics and home supplies cost an estimated twelve billion dollars while causing the death of about seventy million animals in America. Such products utilize tests such as the draze test, acute toxicity, skin corrosion, sensitivity and irritation tests among others to establish the potential for various products and chemicals to cause harm. For instance, the draze test is conducted by introducing the product under investigation into the skin and eyes of the lab animal, in most instances rabbits, and waiting up to fourteen days, to observe all the effects that present (PETA, 2018). As a result, the tests demand a lot of funds to procure the animals, the machines, and workforce to care for them. Also, it results in the deaths of fifty percent of the test animals while the rest live in untold suffering and in the end, bri...
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