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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
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A Manner to Help an Individual to Develop their Career

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is to engage in a selected activity related to career development. After completing one of the options from the “Career Development Activities” below, write a paper (750-1,000 words) that includes the following:

An explanation of the career development activity that you participated in.

How the activity will influence your current or future career.

The paper may be written in first person voice and must be grammatically correct. At least two external sources should be cited in the paper. The paper must be written on an activity that has been completed during this current course.

Career Development Activities:

1.Go to a professional association meeting, such as a local chapter meeting of the Institute of Management Accountant (IMA), Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance (AFWA), or your state board of accountancy. Write a paper that meets the assignment expectations, and explains what you learned from this meeting and how this will influence your career.

2.Research a professional license, certification, advanced degree or designation related to your intended profession. Write a paper that meets the assignment expectations, and explains what you learned from your research and how this will influence your accounting career.

3.Go to a GCU Accounting Society meeting on campus. Write a paper that meets the assignment expectations, and explains what you learned from this meeting and how this will influence your career.

4.Find an Excel tutorial online and complete the tutorial. Write a paper that meets the assignment expectations, and explains what you learned by completing the tutorial and how this will help you in your career. Be sure to include the link to the specific tutorial that you completed and if a certificate of completion is available, embed the certificate in your paper.

5.Complete the GCU Career Compass. Use the link in topic Resources to register for Career Compass. Write a paper that meets the criteria above, and explains what you learned by completing the Career Compass and how this will help you in determining your career path.

6.If you have an activity that you plan to participate in that will enhance your career knowledge, you may ask the instructor if you may use this as a Career Preparation assignment opportunity.

7.Participate in other activities as directed by the instructor.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Manner to Help an Individual to Develop their Career
Career development activities are programs set that are designed in a manner to help an individual to develop their career and, at the same time, move towards a specific career path (Falco, 2018). These activities programs work well with the personality of an individual whereby they can understand various careers and know which skills are required in every career path. The reason why career activity is necessary for an individual is because it helps people research what they need to do so that they can acquire these skills and knowledge and better themselves.
Institute of management accountant meetings
I was allowed to attend a professional accountant meeting at the institute of management Accountancy. This institute is one of the most respected professional bodies in the business, particularly the accounts and finance departments. Their primary focus is ensuring individuals advance their management and accounting profession. At the end of the meeting, I learned that IMA helps individuals to improve on strategic management, technology, leadership, reporting and control, ethics, and professional values. As an Accountant, I was able to understand the roles and responsibilities I will perform in an organizational view. This career development helps accountants understand management in accounts by playing a critical role in decision making. Individuals acquire skills that help them do so and, at the same time, help safe guide the company’s integrity and plan on how to sustain the organization.
Professional certificate
CPA certification is intended to help students who have pursued accounts and finance gain skills in their field and also to be recognized in the business world. This professional certificate requires students to undergo continuous training in all levels of the CPA course (Van Wart, 2020). After the course completion, they are registered as members of ICPAK, and they can practice their profession anywhere. As an accountant, I learned that having employees with a professional certificate in this field helps the organization make decisions on finances, tax preparation, and auditing. An accounting professional certificate also helps accountants work as freelancers; for example, they can work for a government department on a contract with a small business.
GCU accounting society
Accounting students are usually encouraged to register as members of accounting clubs at the university. Grand Canyon University accounting society is a well-known accounting professional club on campus. I registered for this club on campus because it has previously given students opportunities to explore and know more about the accounting profession. When I attended the meeting the first time, I was not even an accounting major, but after being tr...
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